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对于那些不安时间顺序讲授的历史知识,地图和年表对学习是有帮助的。Maps and timelines can assist in teaching non-chronological history.

年表是安排的事实和事件,在该命令的时间。Chronology is the arrangement of facts and events in the order of time.

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把克林顿的执政年表反过来你就可以看到奥巴马团队的执政计划了。You can diagram Team Obama's game plan by reversing the Clinton playbook.

前半部分的内容是作者人生的自传年表。The first half of this work is an autobiographical chronology of the author's life.

夏商周断代工程的总目标是制订有科学依据的年表。The Xia-Shang-Zhou Chronology Project aims at draw up of chronological table scientifically.

的框架内,摩西五是历史叙事联系在一起的线程的年表。The framework of the Pentateuch is historical narrative bound together by the thread of chronology.

力拓首席执行官艾博年表示,完成合资企业的成立工作,是2010年的"首要任务".Rio Tinto chief executive Tom Albanese said completion of the joint venture would be a "priority" in 2010.

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本课程以许多可从网络资源下载的罗马奥古斯都时期文学作品,及精选的事件年表为主。This course features a number of downloadable readings and a selective chronology of events Augustan Rome.

下一步,他学到更多的哥白尼体系,之后,他移动到几何,然后年表。Next he learns about the Copernican system, and after that he moves on to geometry, and then to chronology.

根据青海都兰地区树木年轮样本建立了目前我国最长的年轮年表序列。A 1 835 a tree-ring chronologies has been established based on tree ring samples from Dulan region, Qinghai.

假如与年代是相关的,即在历史课,要小心记录年表,但仍然改变顺序。If chronology is relevant, i.e. in a history class, be careful to note chronology, but still change your orders.

它讨论了神职人员的生活,宗教仪轨,日期,测量,年表,家谱,宗教和法律。It discusses priests' lives, religious rituals, dates, measurements, chronologies , genealogies, worship and law.

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而且根据一般公认的年表记录,阿蒙霍特普三世去世十多年以后,图坦卡蒙才出生。" Also, according to the generally accepted chronology, Amenhotep III died about a decade before Tutankhamun was born.

请提供其他与本申请有关的资料,如作品展览和著作出版年表。Please provide further details relevant to your application, such as the chronology list of exhibitions and published works.

此外,附录一为萧纲年表,简要地收录了萧纲生平创作情况。In addition, the appendix contains a chronological list of Xiao Gang"s life, including a brief introduction of his total works."

一旦掌握他年表可以学习历史,那么也许一点点的道德操守,一些法律,最后,一些自然哲学。Once chronology is mastered he can learn history, then perhaps a little bit of ethics, some law, and, finally, some natural philosophy.

不同海拔高度的8个岷江冷杉样地年轮宽度年表序列敏感度大体上随海拔高度升高而降低。In general, mean sensitivities of the eight Abies faxoniana site-specific tree-ring width chronologies decreased with increasing altitude.

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每一个刁钻古怪的细节在这里都有点出,而主年表甚至把大事件的时候各个角色的年龄都列了出来。Every nitty picky detail is spelled out here, and the timeline even notes the age each main character will turn in each year of its record.

同时,在过去5天里发出的向WHO发言人索要一个该事件的粗略年表及采访相关专家的请求还未得到回应。Requests made over the past five days to WHO spokesmen for a rough chronology of events and interviews with experts have not been answered.

根据秦岭中段分水岭地区秦岭落叶松树轮宽度指标,建立了该地区1814-2003年的树轮标准化年表。A tree-ring width chronology has been built from Larix chinensis at the divide sampling site in the mid-Qinling Mountains from 1814 to 2003.