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约翰会游自由泳、仰泳、蛙泳和蝶泳。He can swim breaststroke backstroke and crawl.

蝶泳、仰泳、蛙泳和自由泳。Butterfly backstroke breaststroke and freestyle.

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我也这样认为.我也不擅长蝶泳.你会游泳吗?周六我们去游泳怎么样?I agree. I `m not good at it, either. Can you swim?

蝶泳腿非常重要,特别是在25码的短池中。Fly kick is very important, particularly in a 25 yard pool.

她将参加蛙泳和蝶泳的比赛。She'll swim the races of breaststroke and butterfly stroke.

那么蝶泳就是最佳运动了?So is the butterfly the best single exercise that there is?

蝶泳,他说,是“可悲,孤独,痛苦的。”The butterfly, he said, is “miserable, isolating, painful.”

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做蝶泳转身时,你要径直游向池壁。The butterfly turn, you want to come straight into the wall.

对那些无法掌握蝶泳的人来说,这真是个好消息。Great news for those of us who could never master the butterfly.

在所有的200米游泳项目中,在五个200米项目中,200米蝶泳最容易了。Of all the 200s, of the five 200s, the 200 butterfly is the easiest.

第二天,他有夺取了100米蝶泳金牌,并且再次打破世界纪录。The next day he won the 100m butterfly, again setting a world record.

那些在女子200米蝶泳中得奖的中国游泳运动员?Those Chinese swimmers who medaled in the women's 200-meter butterfly?

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蝶泳出现于1933年,是竞技游泳的几种泳姿中最新的一种。It is the newest swimming style swum in competition, first swum in 1933.

你的蝶泳分段成绩应该和你的自由泳分段成绩相匹配,不论这是200米混还是400米混。Your fly split should match your free split, whether it's a 200 or 400 IM.

施皮茨以蝶泳最为擅长,在自由泳项目上成绩也非常优秀。Notably a butterfly specialist, Spitz was also successful in the freestyle.

这个长距离的蝶泳需要你在游的过程中维持放松的状态。This newer, longer distance will require you to remain relaxed during the race.

中国蝶泳神童吴鹏在与美国名将费尔普斯终极对决前保持轻松乐观的态度。Chinese butterflyer Wu Peng is in an easy mood prior to a duel with Michael Phelps.

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主要游泳姿式有爬泳、仰泳、蛙泳和蝶泳。The principal swimming strokes are the crawl, backstroke, breaststroke and butterfly.

已经有两位中国女选手取得了100米蝶泳的决赛权。Two Chinese women swimmers have already entered the 100 metre butterfly stroke finals.

澳大利亚选手莉比.特里克特夺得女子100米蝶泳金牌。Australian Lisbeth Trickett emerged the winner of the women's 100-meter butterfly final.