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神是言行一致的,不变的神。God is consistent.

他总是言行一致的。Always the seer is a sayer.

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在办公室里,他言行一致。In office, he kept his word.

他的言行一致。His actions accord with his words.

一个人应该言行一致。One's conduct should agree with his words.

为了有效地做到这一点,我们必须始终保持自由人的言行一致。To do this effectively, we must do it at all times.

真是个伪君子!他应该言行一致!What a hypocrite! He should practise what he preaches.

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如果你的言行一致,我会谢谢你的。If your deeds were as good as your words, I would thank you.

理想自身不会包含任何不清不楚或言行一致的东西。In itself it would not embody anything unclear or contradictory.

不信,你细数身边那些说过话的人没有几个言行一致。Don't believe, you count nearby those people to speak few preach.

我们不能保证任何时候都言行一致,但是我们可以做到少说多做。We can't keep our word all the time, but we can try to less talk than do.

因为诚实的人一定是讲真话、言行一致、表里如一的人。Because of an honest man must speak the truth, as its word, and say what people.

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每次说出这句话的时候我都是认真的,而且肯定大多数情况下都会言行一致。Each time I've said it, I meant it. I'm sure I will say it and mean it many more times.

我们所谓的无罪性是将行动对准正确的信念,就是「言行一致」。By impeccability we mean aligning actions to accurate belief. It is 'Walking Your Talk'.

在价格上浮的背景下,持看涨态度的沃德在投资上做到了言行一致。Against the background of buoyant prices the bullish Mr Ward put his money where his mouth was.

不论对企业,个人还是政府,从今以后都得言行一致。For companies and individuals as much as for governments, deeds will henceforward have to match words.

只说不干,平壤会更大胆。美国应该更严厉,言行一致。Barking without biting only emboldens the Pyongyang. The US needs to back up the tough talk with action.

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马苦士就寝时,先翻看剳记,看看他将要做什麽及如何言行一致。Aurelius goes to bed and looks in the notebook to see what he was going to do and how it corresponds to what he did.

孩子们往往观察并牢记你的所作所为远远早于关注你的言语。言行一致是父母成为孩子们榜样最重要的一点。Children watch and remember what you do longer than they recall what you say. Consistency is vital in good parenting.

身为领导者,只有充分展示出能力、言行一致、诚信待人、信守承诺,才能获得信任。As a leader, you are trusted only to the degree that people believe in your ability, consistency, integrity, and commitment to deliver.