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请在这场动人心魄的解谜冒险中找出答案!Find out in this exhilarating Hidden-Object Puzzle adventure!

啊,如此的美景,不正是一幅动人心魄的纸织画吗?Oh, so beautiful, is it not a anemae core paper texture painting?

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拥有仇恨情愫的作品,大都贯穿着动人心魄的复仇主题。Writings full of hatred have a theme of revenge from beginning to end.

情,是甜蜜的,是动人心魄的,是醉人灵魂的。The feeling is sweet, is a moving heart soul of, inebriate person's soul.

我觉得,四季变换的景色恰如一场动人心魄且不会完结的戏剧,剧中的人物动作从我的指间流过。To me the pageant of seasons is a thrilling and unending drama, the action of which steams though my fingertips.

一度强大的玛雅文明在暴烈统治即将结束时,上演了一场动人心魄的冒险行动。A heart stopping mythic action-adventure set against the turbulent end times of the once great Mayan civilization.

对我来说四季变换的景色如同一场动人心魄的不会完结的戏剧,剧中的人物动作从我的指尖流过。To me the pageant of seasons is a thrilling and unending drama, the action of which streams through my finger tips.

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就连刚才雷云子放出那片动人心魄的雷光,也不完全是他的杰作。Connect just thunder cloud son to let out the thunder of that moving center soul only, also is incompletely his art.

优雅的建筑和自然风光,与人类野蛮残暴罪孽的残留痕迹并存,创造出动人心魄的别样风景。Graceful architecture and natural beauty sit alongside stark reminders of mankind’s brutality, creating striking vistas.

在阳光的照射下,水面上呈现出一道美丽的彩虹,让动人心魄的景色更加绚丽多姿。Rapid torrents were under our feet. Under the sunlight, there was a rainbow, which added more color to the breathtaking view.

奥尼尔组建了一支强大的球队。我相信两队都非常希望能在这场动人心魄的较量中获胜。Martin O'Neill has built a a great team there and I think it will be an exciting game with both teams having a real go and looking to win.

木乃伊引人遐想却又动人心魄,在神秘和魔幻的表象背后,他们也曾是活生生的真人,就和今天的我们一样,他们爱过,也曾被爱过。Mummies capture our imaginations and our hearts. Full of secrets and magic, they were once people who lived and loved, just as we do today.

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谁愿意错过N82拥有这些极为动人心魄的视觉菜单之间的过渡和新的待机屏幕布局?Who would want to miss out on the N82 having those extremely visually appealing transitions between menus and the new standby layout screens?

吉米·佩吉如泣如诉般的吉他独奏出神入化,而约翰·保罗·琼斯用贝斯和卓越的键盘技巧打造出的音乐动人心魄。Jimmy Page weaves magic with his wailing guitar solos, while John Paul Jones creates heart-pounding music with his bass and excellent keyboard skills.

可能正是长期以来人类遭受旱涝摆布的苦难使得人们治理江河供我驱策的想法如此的动人心魄。Perhaps it is humankind's long suffering at the mercy of flood and drought that makes the ideas of forcing the water to do our bidding so fascanating.

工程师出身的焦立中建议其他同行在用相机记录数据的同时,也要留意动人心魄的空间美景并把它们拍摄下来。For engineers like me, I recommend that they think about composition. That is, don't just capture the data, but try to compose photos that are beautiful too.

高清风暴汹涌而至,面对卖场里高清电视动人心魄的画面,越来越多的热血消费者将高清电视请进家门。HD storm raging, in the face of the store captivating high-definition television screen, more and more blood will be high-definition television consumers, please enter the house.

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目前,64岁的赫伯特已成了一位专攻极地的画家,描绘出影响他一生的极地历史与现实中最详尽、强烈和动人心魄的场景。For nowadays, Herbert, aged 64, has become a polar painter, etching out the most detailed, intense and moving scenes from polar history and the present that have influenced his life.

新兴木刻运动的版画家们用热血和满腔热忱镌刻出了大量动人心魄的不朽版画作品,使新兴版画艺术充满了永恒的生命力。The engraving artists in China have produced with great enthusiasm and powerful art massive immortal engraving works, bringing lasting life to this new engraving art movement in China.