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非洲裔美国人晚上看的新闻节目跟普通美国人看的别无二致。African-Americans watch the same news at night that ordinary Americans do.

这些场景和美国的其它任何地方别无二致,只有闷热无比的天气显示这里弗吉尼亚,美国的南部地区。Only the sultry heat betrays that you are in Virginia and thus in the American South.

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日本希望借施以恩惠,树立自身完美贸易伙伴的形象。此种伎俩与他国别无二致。Like the others, Japan is offering sweeteners to make itself a saucier commercial partner.

这种假牙看起来与真牙别无二致,它对疼痛也很敏感,还可以用来咀嚼食物。The artificial teeth looked like the real thing, were sensitive to pain and could chew food.

他眼前的丹丹虽然虚弱地躺在病床上,但她眼中的神采还是和过去别无二致。Although Danny weakly in front of him lying in bed, but the look in her eyes and in the past.

遗存面貌和安阳地区的殷墟文化别无二致。Features on this site have similar characteristics as the Yinxu Cultures in the Anyang region.

这些分子中除了初级结构不同之外,在任何物种中别无二致。The structure of polysaccharides can be classified into primary structure and advanced structure.

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海德头部毛发仍在长,但举动跟其他动物别无二致。The fur on Hedwig's head is still growing back, but he is bounding around the cage like all the others.

那天,我将光盘送回去的时候,家里那热闹的场景和新闻播出的那天别无二致。On that day, I will send back the disc, home to the bustling scene and the news broadcast that identical.

这是全球首款配备屏幕的商用电脑,外观与我们现在使用的电脑别无二致。It was the world’s first commercial computer with a screen that looked anything like the way yours does now.

内容一旦被移动,就可以被版本化、索引、搜索和存档,与其它所有内容别无二致。Once content has been moved, it can be versioned, indexed, searched, and archived just as any other content.

大多数专家都认为他的政治纲领与普京的别无二致,就算有差异也只是表面上的不同。Most experts believe his platform is substantially the same as Putin's, with any differences merely stylistic.

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这样,调用泛型中的成员所用的语法与调用非泛型中的成员所用的语法别无二致。This results in a syntax for calling members in generics that is no different from the syntax for non-generics.

哈利、罗恩及赫敏三人在邓不利多军花名册上的签名与大家在原著书中看到的签名别无二致。Harry's, Ron's and Hermione's signatures for the Dumbledore's Army roster are the same signatures seen in the books.

在过去年份里,这部分展览充满最为无所顾忌的简化——新的展览也别无二致。This was the exhibit that in past years was fraught with the most blatant simplifications — and the new one is no different.

对于那些苦于糙米口感不佳的人来说,健康白米的味道与普通的米饭几乎别无二致。And those who find brown rice tough and chewy will be glad to know that the taste is said to be indistinguishable from white rice.

这头小公牛身形健壮,长着锋利牛角,跟斗牛场上的其它同类别无二致。They claim the newborn calf, named Got, is an exact replica of a muscular, horned specimen of the type matadors face in bullrings.

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超级委员会的失败被解释为两党之间的冲突,但最主要的绊脚石其实和往常别无二致——税收。Conflicting explanations for the failure of the committee, which met in private, have emerged, but the main stumbling block, as usual, was taxes.

第五章“梦境的冲突”中唯一让人困惑的是,里面的冲突和屠杀看起来和真实世界的战争别无二致。The only thing confusing about the next chapter, “Warfare in the Dream,” is the fact that its conflict and carnage look just like war in real life.

我们现在相信,莫扎特所具备的与泰格伍兹别无二致,都具有长期专注的能力,以及父亲要提升其技能的意图。What Mozart had, we now believe, was the same thing Tiger Woods had — the ability to focus for long periods of time and a father intent on improving his skills.