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支架接榫得严丝合缝。The tenons of the metal shelf are tightly connected.

内部所有的石块都严丝合缝,连一张卡片都插不进去。All of the interior stones fit so well, a card won't fit between them.

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我们卧室窗户底部已经结霜,因为老虎窗关的不够严丝合缝。And our bedroom has a frostbitten bottom because the strom window isn't closed perfectly.

机器加工并不能使气缸体和气缸盖平整光滑到严丝合缝。The block and head cannot be machined flat and smooth enough to provide an adequate seal.

梅金拿掉叶子,发现一把金锁,和刚才找到的钥匙严丝合缝,丁点不差。Megan lifted the leaf as it uncovered a golden lock fit for a key just like the one they had found.

在拱门的弧线部分,斯蒂奇先生严丝合缝的藏在一个黑石头后面。There, tucked in the curve of the archway, perfectly hidden against the dark stone, sat Mr. Sticky.

舞台设计必须严丝合缝,马虎不得。所以各种精密绘图仪器都得派上用场。All sorts of instruments and tools are put to use in the demanding and exacting work of stage design.

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要想让模型跟数据严丝合缝地吻合起来其实并不难,但如果你真这么做了,那你最后一定只是侥幸成功。It's easy to fit the data perfectly, but if you do that you invariably end up just fitting to the flukes.

收购战在严丝合缝的科技产业中比较少见,那里的交易经常都是关起门来悄悄进行的.Bidding wars are rare in the tightly knit technology sector, where deals are often made behind closed doors.

至少在视觉上这是一个严丝合缝、不留诟病的环境。In the vision this is the environment which at least fits together snugly or perfectly, does not remain denounced.

温斯顿晓得,这一切还没有全部当真干起来,然而它却跟党的意识形态严丝合缝。This, Winston was aware, was not meant altogether seriously, but somehow it fitted in with the general ideology of the Party.

因为“短板”实在太多,也没人知道怎么把这些板子箍成一个严丝合缝的桶。Because " short board " really too much, also nobody knows how to become these bat band the bucket of a fit together perfectly.

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科萨大概是觉得,董方卓现在和球队配合,还不能严丝合缝。Kossa is probably thought that Dong Fangzhuo now and the team coordinates, has not been able to fit together snugly or perfectly.

赛尔尼认为,要做到严丝合缝,必须“在南部阿拉伯地区找到100,000年前的解破学意义上的现代人类的遗体化石”。Cerny said a sealed-tight case could be made with "some fossils of the anatomically modern humans some 100,000 years old found in South Arabia."

赛尔尼认为,要做到严丝合缝,必须“在南部阿拉伯地区找到100,000年前的解破学意义上的现代人类的遗体化石”。Cerny said a sealed-tight case could be made with "some fossils of the anatomically modern humans some 100, 000 years old found in South Arabia."

当现实折过来严丝合缝地贴在我们长期的梦想上时,它盖住了梦想,与它混为一体,如同两个同样的图形重叠起来合而为一一样。When reality fold over stuck in our long-term fit the dream, it covered the dream, and it blend in, like two the same graphics overlap one as well.

他可以做成一张对折面、带有严丝合缝抽屉的樱桃木桌,容易得就像他用一支旧圆珠笔制作钓线穿线机一样。He could build a cherry fold-top desk with fine, dovetailed drawers as easily as he could fashion a fishing-line threaded out of an old ballpoint pen.

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为了那一刻的到来,你最好确保自己的私人行为能与公开宣言相匹配符合,即便不能严丝合缝,也得相当接近。In preparation for that moment, you better make sure that your private dealings match your public declarations, if not perfectly then at least pretty close.

用几块地板在平地上拼装,用手摸、眼看其加工质量精度、等拼装是否严丝合缝。With a few pieces on the ground floor of the assembly, touch and see the quality of its precision machining, assembling, and so whether or not they match exactly.

这种锁扣技术克服了传统实木地板的缺陷,让地板之间的拼接做到了严丝合缝。Technology of this kind of lock overcame the limitation of floor of traditional fact wood, let the joining together between the floor accomplish fit together perfectly.