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去尼姑庵,出发!To a nunnery, go!

她离家去了尼姑庵。She left home and went to a nunnery.

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那你去吧。正好山的后面就是尼姑庵。Then you go. Hill is just behind the house.

大约二十五分钟后,他们终于走到了尼姑庵。After about 25 minutes, they finally walk to nunnery.

山上有一座尼姑庵,里面住着一个老尼姑。There is a nunnery on hill, there is an old nun inside.

这个建在深山里的尼姑庵,住着几个虔诚的尼姑。Several devout nuns live in the convent located in remote mountains.

为了到达这个尼姑庵,我们需要往回走。In order to get to the nunnery we need to leave the backhoe trajectory.

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从这里到尼姑庵,来回大概要花多少时间?From here to nunnery, back and forth probably need to spend how many times?

即使未经思考,尼姑庵看起来也是一个好地方。But even without any sort of view, the convent seems a nice spot to be a nun.

琴有一个住在尼姑庵里不常回家的祖母。Chin also had a grandmother who lived in a nunnery, but she seldom came home.

婆婆住在尼姑庵里头,一个月里难得回家住两三天。Chin also had a grandmother who lived in a nunnery, but she seldom came home.

尽管在达兰萨拉的一所尼姑庵里学习了19年,她没有受过正规教育。She does not have formal schooling in spite of 19 years studying at a nunnery in Dharamsala.

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据她公司的雇员说,陈晓旭在这座尼姑庵里潜心研究佛法。Chen then concentrated on Buddhist studies at the monastery, according to staff from her company.

婆婆住在尼姑庵里头,一个月里难得回家住两三天。Grandma is in a nunnery. At most she visits us once a month, and then only stays two or three days.

一位裹着牛皮年长的牧人出现了,他笑着指着在我们上方远处的尼姑庵。An elderly nomad, wrapped in a cow’s hide, appears and points, laughing, to the nunnery high above us.

现在她是佛教寺庙的一位尼姑在尼姑庵里做小领导,使我怀疑她的诚实。Now she is a nun in a Buddhist temple in the southern part of china, which makes me doubt her honesty.

后来我拿出我的旅游指南,查阅这个尼姑庵的介绍,才发现,我们被授予了最大的荣耀!!When I later on take my travel guide to read up on the nunnery, I discover that we were granted a very great honour!

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注解说这是一个尼姑枕头中的特殊装置,一定是为那些在尼姑庵中的漫漫长夜准备的。The caption for this said it was a nun's pillow with special compartment. Must be for those lonely nights in the monastary.

中国四川省,几千所尼姑庵建在甘孜地区的河谷地区,我们有机会在那里拍摄了每年一度的大圆满仪式。Thousands of nuns' huts built in the river valley in Garze, Sichuan Province, China. We caught the annual Great Perfection ritual there by chance.

距尼姑庵不远处有一眼清泉,泉水清澈甘甜,泉前面有三棵白果树,又粗又高。Not far away from nunnery have a clear spring, The spring water is clean and sweet. In front of the spring , three Ginkgo trees were strong and tall enough.