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要日积月累,付出长期的努力。Over time to pay long-term efforts.

日积月累,你的步法将越来越有效率。Over time, your gait will become more efficient.

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一个一个地学,一曲一曲地学,日积月累,天长日久,定会成功。Learn day by day and then you will be successful.

日积月累,要相信细沙也可以堆积成山。Little grains of sand can add up to a mountain over time.

日积月累下来自身的英语知识也会提高。Down over time will also increase their knowledge of English.

时间久了,日积月累,你和他之间的感情也就淡了。Over time, cumulatively , between you and his feelings will be faded.

大部分我自己写下的想法起初都是垃圾,日积月累。Most of what I write starts off as junk, then it becomes piles of junk.

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如此下去,日积月累,我们的语文水平一定可以大大提高。By so doing day by day, our level of Chinese language will be greatly raised.

日积月累,积少成多,就形成了现在的这条枯木长堤。Many a little makes a mickle. Over time, a long levee of logs was thus formed.

该诗教我们它自身的历史方法,而我们学要日积月累来习得。The poem teaches its own historical method, and we learn that method cumulatively.

我们往往看轻了日积月累的小情绪,总想着要钓更大的鱼。We tend to downplay day-to-day irritations, thinking we've got bigger fish to fry.

这种辩证法日积月累,有朝一日,终于达到被定义为绝对知识。This dialectic is convergent and attains the conjuncture defined as absolute knowledge.

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如果你继续这种睡眠模式,日积月累下去,这些毒素会在你的身体里不断累积。If you continue with this sleeping pattern, these toxins will accumulate in your body over time.

这种态度,日积月累,在家人之间就会发展为抱怨和不和。This attitude, over the long haul, will develop very resentful and uncooperative family members.

2006年房价开始下跌,市场上房屋供过于求,房屋日积月累销不出去。In 2006 home prices started to drop. Houses glutted the market and stayed unsold month after month.

对很多人来说,体重增加是日积月累的缓慢过程——今年两磅,明年3磅。For many people, weight gain is a matter of slow creep — two pounds this year, three pounds next year.

再想象一下,您的龙涎香日积月累地越变越大了,是时候把它给丢掉了。Now let's imagine that your ambergris has been building up for a while now, and it's time to get rid of it.

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日积月累,英超有着最高的负债,然后是西甲和意甲。Cumulatively, the Premier League has the highest debt, followed by the Spanish Primera and then the Serie A.

唯独不欺骗人的人,才能日积月累地修功立德,故其德行存在。Only those who don't cheat people can store up the merit and virtue they cultivate over the days and months.

多年被排斥的感觉曾让我沮丧,愤懑之情日积月累,如今我开始颠扑过去的一切。Now, indulging my frustration, my accumulated rage at the years of perceived exclusion, I inverted everything.