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竹屋的开头字母是「B」。B is for bamboo hut.

索利斯有个好开头。Solis had a good start.

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说实在的,开头很容易。Well, honestly start easy.

他为何要以这句开头?Why does he begin with this?

美好的事情开头难。Each good thing is hard to begin.

凡事总有一个开头。Everything must have a beginning.

我一开头就挺喜欢你的。I cottoned to you from the first.

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玄妙之处就在开头一句话。It's there in the first sentence.

我们没看到电影的开头部分。We missed the start of the movie.

冒号开头代表新的一行或一段前空格。A colon indents a line or paragraph.

凡事开头时就要想到它的后果。In every beginning think of the end.

一开头就这样糟糕,可真要命!This is a wretched beginning indeed!

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每一章的开头都有一条引语。Each chapter begins with a quotation.

这样的句式开头的,虽然这个句式常常被认为跟他有关。" a phrase often associated with him.

在开头他又加了一场戏。He added a new scene at the beginning.

每一章的开头都有一条引语。He usually begins his class with a joke.

单词开头'sh'的发音用'sp'这种拼写,在英语中并不常见,是吧?The 'sh' sound at the beginning with the

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两性之间的争吵通常以“没什么”开头,以“好吧”结尾。Arguments that begin with nothing usually

让我以这句话开头吧,我是一根方木钉。Let me start by saying, I'm a square peg.

就像电视剧一开头的前情提要“You know,like TV shows,"Last time on ER."