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昨天我把我的台球杆弄弯了。I sprang my cue yesterday.

你有两个台球。You have two billiard balls.

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或者它更像台球?Or is it more like billiards?

我要和你打台球。I'll take you on at billiards.

他说,他的生活完全被台球占据了。He said snooker occupied all his life.

咱们打一局台球吧。One billiard ball impinged on another.

打打台球、放放风筝,或者就是简单的聊聊天。Fly a kite. Or just talk to each other.

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打台球时,我把他打得大北。I gave him a good licking at billiards.

他在和另外两个男人打落袋台球。He was shooting pool with two other men.

一个台球撞击另一个台球。One billiards ball impinged on another one.

我常去酒吧及台球场。I visit public-houses and billiards-saloons.

那么台球的角色究竟是什么呢?What's the role of the billiard balls at all?

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其实我羽毛球和台球也打得不错啦!I'm also fond of billard ball and shuttlecock.

他常去酒吧及台球场。He visits public-houses and billiards- saloons.

同样的道理,我们看待台球也是一样。And we seem be to be the same with billiard balls.

这只大熊猫看起来在啃倒一根台球杆。This panda looks like he's chewing down a pool cue.

在台球中用球杆垂直撞击母球的动作。A piece of wood used to steady the cue in billiards.

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台球渐渐地滚过台面。The billiard ball travelled gently across the table.

我跟着他走向台球桌,他摆好台球。I followed him to the pool table and he set things up.

就像是台球在,台球桌上发生弹性碰撞。It is like an elastic collision between billiard balls.