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描述长屋的布局。Describe a longhouse.

布局来不得慢动作。Layout so slow motion.

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这是一个单页的页面布局。This is a single-page layout.

启用用户可切换的布局。Enable user-switchable layouts.

中间或左边对齐的布局?Centered or left-aligned layout?

这是一种直观的布局。This is a straightforward layout.

去掉“母板页布局”复选框。Uncheck Use a layout or master page.

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选择一个或两列布局。Select a single or two-column layout.

编辑将是调整布局一点点。Edit will be to adjust layout a little.

这张图展示了工厂的布局。This map shows the layout of the plant.

这一部分的布局相当细密。This part is fairly compactly laid out.

让我们从城市布局这一简单问题开始讲起。Begin the simple question of urban layout.

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我创建了一个简单的布局与暗线。I created a simple layout with dark lines.

这座花园布局雅致。The flower garden was tastefully laid out.

少年为他简单描述了舞池的布局。The younger described simply the position.

适当调整学校布局。Adjust the distribution of schools properly.

试用并选择您喜欢的布局。Experiment and select the layout you prefer.

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完善网络型城市布局。Improving the lay-out of new Network cities.

它嵌入了WebKit的做布局和渲染。It embeds Webkit to do layout and rendering.

设计一个造型或者布局独特的商标图案。Create a unique shape or layout for the logo.