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我们围绕着湖泊快速航行。We zoomed around the lake.

月球围绕着地球运转。The moon circles the earth.

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一座土墙围绕着这座花园。A wall surrounds the garden.

大家都围绕着她。There are people around her.

很宽的路围绕着这座城市。Wide roads girdled the city.

全都围绕着鞋匠的长形工作台转All around the cobbler's bench

缤纷的色彩与自然之美围绕着你。Color and beauty surround you.

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高峰围绕着山峪。High hills surround the valley.

当我醒来,相思和困惑围绕在我心头。I woke up lovesick and confused.

紧紧围绕你所爱的人。Be up around the people you love.

这儿我们围绕着仙人球Here we go round the prickly pear

我们的村庄被群山围绕。Our village is locked with hills.

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地球围绕太阳旋转。The earth revolves round the sun.

是围绕核心抽象的模式数量么?The number of patterns around it?

故事情节是围绕着一起车祸展开的。The plot turns on a car accident.

月球围绕着地球旋转。The moon rotates around the earth.

希翼的翅膀将围绕着我?Will the arms of hope surround me?

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茫茫一片车海围绕着我。A sea of automobiles surrounded me.

我的主要活动要围绕节俭约会吗?My go-to activity for a cheap date?

月球围绕着地球运转。The moon revolves around the earth.