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订正练习册1-55页需要订正的错误处。Correct pages 1-55 in your workbook.

我让她将每个写错了的单词订正了十遍。I let her to correct them each for ten times.

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研究订正之处,并校订你的文章。Study the corrections and edits on your paper.

订正了一些分类群的学名。The scientific names of some taxons were revised.

中国和泰国狗牙花属植物订正。A revision of Tabernaemontana in China and Thailand.

你也需要修正带订正错误。You also need a correction tape to correct mistakes.

你能细读这篇文章并订正错误吗?Can you go through this article and correct the mistakes?

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指出句中的错误并订正。Point out the mistakes in the sentences and correct them.

航空寄上订正价格表,全套样品两周内寄出。Airmail revised price list but full range sample within fortnight.

经理订正了他对明年销售额的估计。The manager revised his estimates of the nest year's sales volume.

革苞菊属及其系统位置的订正。Revision of the genus Tugarinovia Iljin and its systematic position.

中国毛药藤属订正和链珠属三新变种。A revision of Cleghornia and three new varieties of Alyxia from China.

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本琼森告诉我们莎士比亚从来无须订正手稿。Ben jonson tells us that shakespeare never had to revise a manuscript.

把纲要放在订正或植物志前面作为内容摘要。Synopses appear in the front of revisions or Flovas as a summary of contents.

你没有回答正确,订正错误并且给出正确的答案。You didn't answer correctly. Correct the mistakes and give the correct answer.

详细之订正图则以政府相关部门最后批准之图则为准。All plans are subject to final approval by the relevant Government authorities.

本文以例举方式对上述疏误予以订正。The mistakes mentioned above are emended through the method of giving examples.

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第二种订正的方法则更加常用也更有效…The second method of repairing a run-on sentence is usually the most effective.

采用逐步订正法估算作物生产潜力。The research estimates the cropland production potentiality by step correct method.

进一步提出了对台风年鉴数据中风速和频数的订正方法。A data-correction scheme for sustained wind speed and TC frequency is also provided.