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定稿和实施计划。Finalising and implementing the plan.

全文翻译完后,由服务器端对译文进行审改和定稿。And after this hell one also have to administrate a server.

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总统在演说稿定稿之前进行了辛苦的修改。The president laboured over his speech before he had it in final form.

草案很可能在今年9月的纽约峰会上定稿。Draft version likely to be finalised at a September summit in New York.

虽然尚未最终定稿,但设计草图已经被公之于众了。The design hasn't been finalized, but his sketches have been made public.

这个标志将完全归我们,之后该项目的定稿工作。The logo will be fully owned by us, after the finalization of the project.

一个单独的校对步骤就是检查你的定稿里的每一个句子。As a separate proofreading step, look at each sentence in your final drafts.

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先写这篇文章的草稿,给我检查后,再拟最后的定稿。Do a draft of the article and I'll check it before you write up the final copy.

在最终定稿前,达斯·摩尔的设计多次推翻重作。The development of Darth Maul went through many iterations before the final design.

这是该书第92/93页定稿前的一张照片,愿意的话你可以比较一下。The final version of this text is on pp. 92-93 of the book, if you want to compare.

定稿后,用手写一份放在相框里。When you're satisfied with a final draft, handwrite it and put it in a picture frame.

普惠将使用其现今从测试飞行中采集的数据对其发动机设计定稿。P&W will now use the data gathered from its test flights to finalise the engine's design.

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发电厂绩效标准将于2012年5月之前定稿,炼油厂是2012年11月。Power-plant standards will be finalized by May 2012, and oil refineries by November 2012.

该工作计划经过与利益攸关方进行两天磋商后于9月定稿。The workplan was finalized in September following a two-day consultation with stakeholders.

每一篇定稿,每一篇印出来的故事仍然只是叙述该故事的一种尝试、一种方法而已。Every final draft, every published story, is still only an attempt, an approach, to the story.

我们希望在Ruby标准最终定稿时能保证MagLev是符合该标准的。We expect we'll be able to assure MagLev is standards compliant once the standard is finalized.

它的发现将成为该委员会的于2014年定稿的第5份评估报告的一部分。Its findings will form part of the panel's fifth assessment report, due to be finalised in 2014.

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作业包括两个小的实验报告、一个主要的实验报告与校定稿、和口头报告。Assignments include two smaller lab reports, one major lab report with revision, and an oral report.

当评鑑工具定稿及评鑑表格式、评鑑内容说明建立完成后,即进行正式评鑑。When the format and content of COI are established and explained, the formal evaluation shall begin.

他的作品初步完成后总是遭到一遍又一遍的修订,每改一次都将定稿期再次推迟。His books emerged painfully through many revisions, each draft being a way of postponing the final one.