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让嘴凑近酒器,不要后退。Lips to the vessels, never shrink.

她凑近仔细看看,原来是些灰不溜秋的小东西。She peered closer. They were little grey things.

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让我们凑近了看,办公室的外观是个圆环。So let's take a close look at it. It's a circle.

金先生拿起一条,凑近鼻子闻一闻。Mr King held one fish up to his nose and smelt it.

他有点打晃地站起来,一瘸一拐地凑近,朝我的脸上呼出一口气。He stands, kind of shaky, hobbles over, breathes in my face.

媒体摄影记者凑近了拍奥斯卡电视直播的舞台模型。Press photographers get close-ups of the Oscar telecast model.

他把胳膊枕在车门上,把脸凑近窗户。He leans his arms on the door and brings his face to the window.

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“何况”莫德凑近大狗的耳边低声继续说,“我有一个计划。”“Besides, ” Maude whispered into the dog’s ear, “I have a plan.”

凑近看看自己的指甲,看起来是否结实健康?Take a close look at your nails. Are they strong and healthy looking?

然而,凑近了看,某些差异却变得模糊不清。Look more closely, though, and some of these distinctions become blurred.

你只要把鼻子凑近桂圆,一种淡淡的清香就扑鼻而来。As long as you get closer to the nose longans , a faint scent came on smelling.

凑近看,这种糖看上去像猫眼石那样油亮,吃起来是甜甜的芝麻味。Close up, they shine sort of like opal, and they taste like sweet sweet sesame.

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当我弹奏吉他的时候,我喜欢把我的额头凑近音箱。I liked to lean my forehead on my amp’s speaker enclosure when I played guitar.

兰登端起木盒,凑近灯光,仔细地查看着盒盖上的玫瑰。Langdon held the wooden box up to the light and examined the inlaid symbol of the Rose.

但当她走到楼梯上时又拿出那封信,凑近天窗,又念了一遍。Nevertheless she went to a dormer window in the staircase and read the letter once more.

熊走过来,闻闻这个人的头,又把鼻子凑近他的嘴和耳朵。The bear came up and sniffed at the man’s head.It put its nose close to his mouth and ears.

一只好奇的巢鼠抓着小麦杆,想凑近看清楚照相机镜头。An inquisitive mouse balances on two ears of wheat to take a close look at one of the cameras.

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凑近凝视才发现这些褐色色度变换,从红褐色、巧克力色直至近浅褐色。Staring closely, though, reveals shades of brown, from mahogany and chocolate to almost beige.

皮埃尔凑近一看,认出了那只雪青的小狗,它摇着尾巴坐在那个士兵身旁。Looking more closely, Pierre saw the grey dog, who was sitting by the soldier, wagging her tail.

他低下满是灰发的头,凑近她听她轻声地回答,“你想和你的老叔叔呆在这儿?He bent his grey head down to hear her whispered reply. 'You want to stay here with your old uncle?