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停止等待水星逆行。Wait for Mercury to stop retrograding.

任何一个行星逆行,它削弱。When any planet retrogrades, it weakens.

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啊,这是水星逆行的一部份影响。Ah, it's part of the Mercury retrograde process.

有时候,内镜逆行胰胆管造影还可以用来清除胰腺结石。Occasionally, pancreatic stones can be removed by ERCP.

这种方向的变化就是逆行。This change in direction is known as retrograde motion.

这样就可能在水星逆行之前要回欠债。You may be able to get paid before Mercury retrogrades.

因此顺行的轨道会比逆行轨道更加脆弱。Prograde orbits are more vulnerable than retrograde ones.

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内镜逆行胰胆管造影可以诊断并清除胆管结石。Bile duct stones can be diagnosed and removed with an ERCP.

逆行肾盂造影时输尿管导管弯曲,呈“S”形。On retrograde pyelography the catheter is curved as"S"shape.

尽管水星逆行,并不意味着你将失去一切。With Mercury retrograde, it's not like you'll miss anything.

但水星仍然在逆行,因此你可能会遭遇延误。Mercury is still retrograding so you may run into some delays.

残次林是林分逆行演替的结果。Remnant forest is as a result of forest regressive succession.

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水星,你的守护星,将会在18日到5月11日逆行。Mercury, your ruler, will be retrograde from April 18 to May 11.

当水星逆行,风向就会逆转。When Mercury retrogrades, the wind is about to change direction.

成功行上尿路逆行造影对病灶均能准确定位。Retrograde pyelography could locate accurately for the carcinoma.

幸运的是,几个星期只每两年金星逆行。Thankfully, Venus only retrogrades for a few weeks every two years.

用HRP逆行记大鼠腓总神经的胞体。HRP was used to retrogradedly label the somas of rat peroneal nerve.

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但是,水星逆行的现象并不仅只于此。However, those aren't the only manifestations of Mercury retrograde.

目的介绍一种心脏瓣膜手术的逆行缝合方法。Objective To introduce a novel suturing method in valve replacement.

好了,说完水星逆行,我们现在继续磋议其他的。Ok, having discussed Mercury retrograde, now let's go on to other things.