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有一座窄窄的桥跨在上面。There was a narrow bridge across it.

窄窄的肩膀上也可以睡的那么香…So you sleeped deeply on my narrow shoulder.

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跑道式——很像飞机起落跑道,一丝不留,但剩下一条窄窄的条状毛发。Take everything off but a narrow strip of hair.

还有,圣诞熊怎样从我们家窄窄的小烟囱下来?And how can Santa come down our skinny little chimney?

窄窄的巷子盛满迷蒙的灯光一直延伸远去。A narrow alley filled the misty light extends far away.

长大后,乡愁是一张窄窄的船票。When grown up, I remained homesick, but it became a ticket.

窄窄的橡胶变焦环转动非常顺滑。The rather small rubberized focus ring operates very smooth.

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一片窄窄的林子就在这个世界的边缘。At the edge of the world there was a narrow fringe of forest.

那只狗来到一条小溪,小溪上有一座窄窄的桥。The dog came to a stream. There was a narrow bridge across it.

月光照在窄窄的街道上,高楼形成大片的黑影。Moonlight on the narrow street, buildings massed in black shadow.

胶樽弃于窄窄的围栏上有可能堕下而伤及无辜。If the bottle falls down from the narrow railings, it can hurt others.

环绕亚麻花开的田野边,你走过那窄窄的小路。You went by the narrow road that skirted the blossoming field of flax.

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一道窄窄的瀑布从石头的边缘流淌而下,溅入一个水池。A narrow waterfall trickled down the side of the rock, splashing into a pool of water.

一个人踮着脚尖,在窄窄的跑道白线上走,走到很远的地方又走回来。A person on tiptoe, in the narrow white line on the runway walk, walk away and go back.

一股细细的山泉沿着窄窄的石缝叮叮咚咚往下流淌,也不知道过了多少年,竟然在岩石上冲刷出一个鸡蛋大小的浅坑。A small mountain spring ran tinkling down the narrow stone crevices. Many years passed.

他一言不发的领着我们走进了一条窄窄的走廊,尽头是一间储藏室。Without a word he led way into a narrow corridor, at the end of which stood a storeroom.

桥两边立有木制栏杆,顶上覆有飞檐,就如一条窄窄的过道一般。It has wooden bars on the two sides and upturned eaves above, just like a narrow corridor.

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例如,你可能想使用柱形代替窄窄的射线以使得指定拣选点更为容易。For example, you might use a cylinder instead of a narrow ray to make picking points easier.

青春是一条窄窄的小船,载着父母深深的希望,是无奈与悲伤的日子。Youth is a narrow boat, carrying their parents deep hope, which is helpless and sad moments.

另一面的管道地板是没有漆过的木板,两边是窄窄的砖墙。The crawl space beyond had a floor of unpainted, unvarnished wood, and narrow walls of brick.