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这商人向他行贿。The merchant offers a bribe to him.

他向警察行贿要求放了他。He bribed the policeman to set him free.

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他设法用金钱向警察行贿。He tried to corrupt the policeman with money.

行贿往往让大型骗局变得容易。Big swindles are often facilitated by bribery.

他因向检察长行贿而被警方拘捕。He was arrested for subsidizing the chief procurator.

尼克森用行贿基金支付监视民主党活动的款项。Nixon used a slush fund to finance spy on the democrats.

尽管行贿没少花钱,西门子却没赚到几个子。Despite all the palm-greasing, Siemens didn't make much money.

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而张此时正在监狱因行贿而服刑18年。Mr Zhang, alas, is serving an 18-year prison sentence for bribery.

英国政府也在引进严厉的反行贿措施。The British government is introducing tough anti-bribery measures.

其他指控包括向警察行贿获取新闻资料。Other accusations include paying police for information on stories.

此议员被证明犯有行贿受贿罪后辞职了。The congressman resigned after having been found guilty of bribery.

唐律中的贿赂罪包括行贿和受贿两种行为。Bribery crime in Tang code includes offering bribes and accepting bribes.

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在印度,解决行贿问题并非朝夕之功。Solving the problem of bribery in India is not going to happen overnight.

所谓空穴来风,关于他行贿的传闻,我相信是真有其事。Everything has its wherefore, I believe his accusation of bribery is true.

有猜测称,行贿方可能是广告公司、促销品供应商等。Speculation, bribery may is advertising company, promotional suppliers, etc.

这位议员被证明犯有行贿纳贿罪后辞职了。The agent accommodated afterwards accepting been begin accusable of bribery.

在中国社会里,杜绝对官员行贿颇为困难。To stop greasing officials' palms becomes rather difficult in Chinese society.

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略为有钱的人,就向国民党政府的官吏行贿,出钱买人代替。Those who had money would bribe the Kuomintang officials or pay for substitutes.

法尔汗先生表示,此人仅对大量行贿的对象发放执照。The man, Mr. Farhang said, would grant a license only in exchange for a hefty bribe.

经合组织官员说,该组织成员国在打击行贿方面正在取得进展。OECD officials say member countries are making progress in the fight against bribery.