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她具有坚强的意志和速决的才能。She had a strong will and power of rapid decision.

拿破仑期盼着的速决速胜迟迟没有发生。The quick, decisive victory that Napoleon expected never happened.

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为了实行速决,一般应不打驻止中之敌,而打运动中之敌。In general, to achieve quick decision, we should attack a moving and not a stationary enemy.

你需要尊重她的这种感受并且时不时地和她随战速决几次。You need to try and respect that feeling and indulge her with a quickie every once in a while.

所以,集中兵力,采用包围迂回战术,是实施运动战即外线的速决的进攻战之必要条件。War of annihilation entails the concentration of superior forces and the adoption of encircling or outflanking tactics.

拿破仑期盼着的速决速胜迟迟没有发生,令他吃惊的是,俄国人并不奋起抵抗。The quick, decisive victory that Napoleon expected never happened. To his surprise, the Russians refused to stand and fight.

我们求速决、捷径与即时的结果,期望有一场讲道、研讨会或一次经验,可以马上解决所有问题、除去一切试探,挪走成长的痛苦。We want a sermon, a seminar, or an experience that will instantly resolve all problems, remove all temptation, and release us from all growing pains.

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发端并盛行于美国的辩诉交易徘为刑事案件速决程序,因其能提高诉讼效率的功效而在国际上得以广泛传播。Plea Bargain, originated from America as a summary process, has spread all over the world because of its function of high effectiveness to settle cases.

而一切这些,都表现于战役和战斗上的外线的速决的进攻战,同时也就表现于战略上的内线的持久的防御战之中。All these find expression in quick-decision offensive warfare on exterior lines in campaigns and battles and protracted defensive warfare on interior lines in strategy.

运动战,就是正规兵团在长的战线和大的战区上面,从事于战役和战斗上的外线的速决的进攻战的形式。Mobile warfare is the form in which regular armies wage quick-decision offensive campaigns and battles on exterior lines along extensive fronts and over big areas of operation.