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独特的时尚,独具慧眼的您。Unique fashion, high-toned you.

他是个独具慧眼的年轻人。He is a very perceptive young man.

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申请者对细节应该独具慧眼。Applicants should have an eye for detail.

哈德良对纪念物的建筑独具慧眼。He had a fine eye for monumental architecture.

本款产品正是为独具慧眼、追求健康人生的您精心设计的。This Chair is designed to give you a healthier life.

赫特福德勋爵独具慧眼的大收藏家声誉从此开始确立。Lord Hertford’s reputation as a discerning, major collector was secured.

欢迎西南地区独具慧眼的投资者与本公司携手合作、共享成功!Welcome southwest discerning investors and the companies work together to share the success!

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余凡赞薇芸是个独具慧眼的主管,鼓励彤琳接受薇芸的建议。Shooted Yu Fan praise eu is a an eye head, encourage tong Lin accept eu non-success suggestion.

马克思独具慧眼地发现并继承了这一“合理内核”,创立了实践唯物主义哲学。Having found and inherited the rational kemel, Max constructs the philosophy of practical materialism.

10年前的科技泡沫时期,尽管纳斯达克股指一路飙升,他们却独具慧眼地持有了保险公司和能源公司的股票。During last decade's tech bubble they held insurers and energy companies as the Nasdaq rocketed upward.

有些女孩还是喜欢跟好男人作伴,独具慧眼将他们从“坏男人”堆里挑出来的。There are women who love the company of good guys and would pick them over the 'bad boys' any given day.

专为独具慧眼的鉴赏家而设的蓝带马爹利,适合直接加冰块享用。Specifically designed for the discerning connoisseur of Martell Cordon Bleu, suitable for direct access to ice.

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贝克兰独具慧眼,他迫切希望找到紫胶的合成替代物。Baekeland recognized a killer ap when he saw one. If only he could come up with a synthetic substitute for shellac.

食风其实民风,顺德人去出粗取精,独具慧眼的营商之道可见一斑。Eating customs actually represent folk living ways. You can see the clever business way of Shunde's people from here.

历史告诉我们每一个关乎经济和变革的时刻这个国家都挺身而出,独具慧眼。History reminds us that every moment of economy of people and transformation this nation has responded with bold action and big ideas.

温格独具慧眼的管理,使这支球队面貌一新。他们只用了一年时间,就从倒数三位的降级热门一跃成为联赛亚军。Wenger's managerial acumen transformed the club's fortunes and saw them climb from the bottom three to runners-up spot in just one year.

朝气蓬勃的我们,期待与独具慧眼的您们-----携手合作,共创成绩。We hope your company has the unique insight in forging a partnership with our vibrant young company to create a successful joint venture.

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她以出奇坦率直白的文字描写了一个别样的儿童世界,而她调侃的文字、独具慧眼的观察,又使这本书具有极强的可读性。As a young girl, she frankly described an inequable children world, which we didn't know. Not only children but also adults enjoy this book.

如果我独具慧眼最先开始读热门书,那么到最后,我需要付的钱几乎为零,而这是对我良好品味和心有灵犀的奖励。If I get good at reading hit books first, I'll end up paying close to nothing but be rewarded for my good taste and ability to sneeze ideas.

以古西亚的智慧之神命名,马自达非常骄傲地继承了公司贯有的创新精神,为那些独具慧眼的爱车族们开发最有特色的汽车。Named after the ancient god of wisdom, Mazda is proud of its heritage of innovation in creating distinctive vehicles for discerning drivers.