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到了一月份,就爆发成为兵变。In January it broke out into muting.

兵变的直接原因,是新的埃菲尔德步枪。The immediate cause of the mutiny was the new Enfield rifle.

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平民在哪里与兵变者们做最后反抗?。Where do the civilians make a last stand against the mutineers ?

在德米特里厄斯号上的兵变中,塞缪尔·安德斯导致谁受伤致残?。Who does Samuel Anders cripple during the mutiny on the Demetrius?

结果导致法庭过度延展以致兵变。The result was a court that is overstretched to the point of mutiny.

几次本地士兵针对英国的兵变很快被平息。Several minor mutinies against the British by native soldiers were quickly put down.

中非政局曾长期持续动荡,多次发生兵变和政变。China and Africa have long-lasting political instability, several mutinies and coups.

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在寻找新大陆的过程中,水手们越来越灰心丧气,甚至以兵变相威胁。As he sets off in search of new land, his crew gradually become despondent and threaten a mutiny.

这是对政府未能在二月兵变的士兵,以支付他们的工资后。And that was after soldiers mutinied in February over the government's failure to pay their wages.

丹瑞知道,如果自己对各少数民族武装组织施压过重,那么反而会适得其反、弄巧成拙,并且在军队内部也可能会发生兵变。If he presses too hard on the ethnic armies it will backfire, and there will be a mutiny among the ranks.

他们的离去造成了很大的影响,不久兵变就迫使马克林努斯退到安条克城。So dire did the desertions and mutinies in his camp become that Macrinus was forced to retire to Antioch.

他说9岁的女孩碧翠斯写信给"杰克船长",请求他帮助自己发起一场对抗老师的"兵变"。He said 9-year-old Beatrice had written to Captain Jack, asking him to lead a mutiny against her teachers.

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是否预示着房地产界在步家电业后尘,风云人物开始“禅让”或“兵变”?Whether herald real estate sector in step behind home appliances, man of the hour beginning "Taking" or " mutiny "?

当边防部队总部发生兵变时,孟加拉军队在首都达卡进行了部署。Bangladeshi troops were deployed in the capital Dhaka when a mutiny took place in the headquarters of the border guards.

魔音苦苦阻拦,说现在卫辽造反才是最主要的,应该先平兵变,把儿女情长放在一边!Magic sound struggling to stop saying now liao rebels who are the most important, should first flat, ErNvQingChang aside to mutiny.

经过谈判,兵变军人结束了他们与政府近19个小时的对峙,未发一枪一弹就返回了军营。After negotiations, the mutineers ended their almost 19-hour stand-off with the government and returned to barracks without a shot fired.

一百年前的10月10日,中国中部城市武汉爆发的一场兵变敲响了中国最后一个王朝灭亡的丧钟。ONE hundred years ago on October 10th, a mutiny in the central Chinese city of Wuhan triggered the collapse of China’s last imperial dynasty.

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他还指出,由于成千上万的支持者簇拥着叶利钦聚集在白宫周围,因此当收到炮轰白宫的命令时,特种部队兵变了。He also pointed out that special forces mutinied when ordered to storm the White House where Yeltsin was surrounded by thousands of supporters.

壬午兵变以后,面对中国在朝鲜优势军事力量的存在,日本对朝政策转入消极。After Im-ou military revolt japan's policies to korea became more and more negative because of the superior military presence of china in korea.

经历当地武装的起义和兵变之后,上校卡扎菲治下这座城市65万国民迅速大规模地消失了。Colonel Qaddafi's control of this city of 650,000 people melted away remarkably quickly after a popular uprising and a mutiny by local army units.