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疥疮,学名疥螨。This is a scabies mite.

这云的学名是积雨云。The rain is driving in from the west.

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这云的学名是积雨云。That's what is technically cumulonimbus.

这个博弈学名叫什么,大声说出来What was this game called? Shout it out!

订正了一些分类群的学名。The scientific names of some taxons were revised.

即一个种级分类单元的学名。A scientific name of a taxon at the rank of species.

即一个亚属级分类单元的学名。A scientific name of a taxon at the rank of subgenus.

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我们都能把所听见的、我们都知道回来学名药。We all take heard and we all know back generic drugs.

洋葱是众多葱属植物的学名。Onion is a term used for many plants in the genus Allium.

獭兔,学名力克斯兔,是一种典型的皮毛用型兔子。Rex Rabbit, scientific name Rex Rabbit, is a type of fur-rabbit.

我感觉到的疼痛,学名叫做肾绞痛,就是我的身体竭力排除结石的反应。The pain, termed renal colic, was my body straining to expel it.

即在二名式命名法中的一个动物分类单元的学名。The scientific name of an animal taxon in binominal nomenclature.

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我把它的拉丁文的学名写下是因为它的俗名不很好。I give the Latin on account of the savoriness of the trivial name.

事实上,无尾熊学名的意思是「灰色的袋熊」。In fact, koalas' scientific name means " ash -colored pouch bear."

“亚当的苹果”的学名是喉结。The official name for the Adam's apple is the prominentia laryngea.

病毒的学名是猪生殖与呼吸障碍综合症。The scientific name is porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome.

学名是砂金石,亦是水晶家族的成员。"Tanglin Jade" is the scientific name of sand stone, also a crystal family.

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为一个分类单元首次创用的学名,不拘适用或不适用。A scientific name, available or unavailable , when first proposed for a taxon.

李光地是清初著名的理学名臣和易学名臣,其学术思想十分丰富。LI Guang-di is a famous official expert in both Neo-Confucianism and Yi studies.

不太年轻时候,希望自己能多学名师,多些个人风格。Not very young, the hope that they can learn more teachers, more personal style.