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吸吮的亲吻。The lip-sucking kiss.

不要用吸管吸吮。Never pipette by mouth.

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蜜蜂从花中吸吮蜜汁。Bees suck honey from flowers.

我也想吸吮你的奶油面包!I also want to suck your Twinkie!

当烟瘾来是请吸吮一根。Suck on one whenever a cig craving hits.

供雨水摘取,任风吸吮For the rain to gather, for the wind to suck

寻觅,吸吮和吞咽,喷出反射。Rooting, Sucking and Swallow, Extrusion Reflex.

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老实说,吸吮式的接吻是最棒的。Let's be honest, the lip-sucking kiss is the best.

那个婴儿在继续吸吮着空奶瓶。The baby was sucking away at the empty feeding-bottle.

看着吸吮甘露的蜜蜂如何欢乐地疯狂起来!See how the bees are mad with joy, sipping the nectar there!

吸吮或咀嚼对筷子被认为是态度恶劣。Sucking or chewing on the chopsticks is considered poor manners.

我从流着母亲奶汁的血管里吸吮冒险的狂热。I sucked fevers of adventure through my veins with my mother's milk.

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喂的时间应与婴儿从奶头吸吮同等量所需要的时间相等。Feeding time should last as long as the same amount was fed by nipple.

婴儿会因为吸吮物体的不同,而改变他的嘴型A baby will form his mouth differently depending on what he's sucking on.

鱿鱼及墨鱼吸吮水变成他们的尸体,然后喷射出来。Squids and cuttlefish suck water into their bodies and then squirt it out.

剖宫产产妇意识清醒的情况下行皮肤接触、早吸吮。Cesarean delivery of maternal conscious downward skin contact, early sucking.

赫次克里夫说他在被困的72小时里一直吸吮岩石以免发生脱水。Hinchcliffe said he sucked on rocks during the 72 hours to avoid dehydration.

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一个幼猩猩由于有了适于抓握东西的脚,使它们吸吮拇指达到了一个新水平。A baby orangutan takes thumb-sucking to a new level thanks to prehensile feet.

我通常都是很温和地去吸吮,几乎没有没有碰到嘴唇的舔。I actually pair slight lip sucking with very light, barely-touching lip licking.

细胞粘附力采用微管吸吮技术进行测定。Cell adhesion forces were measured by means of micropipette aspiration technique.