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他是那么聪明,使我自愧不如。He's so clever, he makes me feel inferior.

她的细致工作使得其余所有的人都自愧不如。Her careful work put all the rest to shame.

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自愧不如。They make us feel a bit diminished by comparison.

宵禁后从磨蹭的少年那儿听个故事,他的故事能让马克土温自愧不如。Greet a tardy teenager after curfew for a yarn that puts Mark Twain to shame.

我作为初一英语班的学生自愧不如。I feel ashamed of one's inferiority as the first day English only class student.

比起它们,人类对于自己的适应能力只能是自愧不如。Next to them, we can only hang our head in shame over our own capacity to adapt.

更进一步地,北京的基础设施建设计划庞大得让休斯敦自愧不如。Further afield, Beijing has put into place infrastructure that would make Houston blush.

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在更善于表达的女孩子面前,男孩自愧不如,所以他们变得爱吵闹和捣乱。They feel stupid in front of the more articulate girls and become boisterous and disruptive.

他们首创了政治民主的思想,其实施民主的热情使我们自愧不如。They invented the idea of political democracy, which they practiced with a vigor that puts us to shame.

所以你是如此的愿意相信世间的一切,我只能说你是非常的天真与可爱。我自愧不如。So you are so willing to believe all the world, then I can only say you are very naive cute. I am humbled.

如今的年轻黑人女性是非常的活跃,令到她们那些同时代的男性惊诧不已,自愧不如。Now younger black women are extremely active, to the surprise and amazement and dismay of men their own age.

如今的年轻黑人女性是非常的活跃,令到她们那些同时代的男性惊诧不已,自愧不如。So they were doubly oppressed.Now younger black women are extremely active, to the surprise and amazement and dismay of men their own age.

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如今的年轻黑人女性是非常的活跃,令到她们那些同时代的男性惊诧不已,自愧不如。So they were doubly oppressed. Now younger black women are extremely active, to the surprise and amazement and dismay of men their own age.

都过九十了。我比起她们真是自愧不如,我才考了那么点分就在骄傲,别人考了四百多都说考得不好,我考成那样我就满足了么?I really feel inferior compared to them, so I took the test in pride dotted, others say more than four test test well, I like that I would meet the test yet?

不管舆论评价如何,此时,坐在位于中关村文化创意产业聚集区的办公室里,王桂福却对竞争对手的影片赞不绝口,同时又感觉自愧不如。No matter how good reviews at this time, sitting in the Zhongguancun area for creative industries and cultural office, Wang Guifu but then full of praise for the film competition, also feel humbled.