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我认为比尔是想伺机捞一把。I thought Bill intended to be on the grab.

从某种意义上说,他是在伺机报复。In a certain sense he is taking his revenge.

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我认为比尔是想伺机捞一把。We thought that Egypt was a romantic country.

她还有一张王牌就是她可以伺机下手,枕戈待旦。One advantage is that she can play a waiting game.

所以用你们的术语说,这是一场伺机而动的计划。So this is a play by ear as you ones use the term.

那只猫在地窖里徘徊着,伺机捕鼠。The cat prowled around the cellar looking for mice.

杰克深受打击,他伺机报复。Jack was hurt deeply, and he bided his time for revenge.

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他们伺机为自己受到的羞辱报仇。They pant for an opportunity of revenging that humiliation.

伺机属于替代性费用,会出现在某些浪客牌上。Prowl is an alternative cost that appears on some Rogue cards.

从那以后里德就一直伺机报复贝克和杨。Since then Reed has been waging a vendetta against Baker and Young.

天上有几只秃鹰正在盘旋,伺机扑下来美食一番。The sky has a few condor to circling, wait for one's chance attacks cate.

汤姆在聚会上围着那位姑娘献殷勤,伺机和她交谈。Tom circled about the girl at the party, waiting for a chance to talk to her.

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传球、传球、传球、伺机寻找曼联后防四人突然出现的漏洞。Pass, pass, pass and look to pick holes in United’s suddenly creaky back four.

当飞钥仙灵进场时,若曾支付其伺机费用,则抓一张牌。When Latchkey Faerie comes into play, if its prowl cost was paid, draw a card.

但是,克里奇科起码能做出调整、低身防守并伺机出拳。Klitschko will be able to make adjustments, close ground, and let his hands go.

一个小蟊贼试图转移大家的注意力,好让他的同伙伺机行窃。A young thief tried to pull the crowd while his workmate was stealing from them.

一天晚上,坏蛋埋伏在姑娘花园的附近并伺机行动。One evening, the bad guy lurked in the vicinity of the girl's garden and waited.

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资本主义一往无前,书店不过是路旁无数匣子中的一个,有上百双眼睛虎视眈眈,欲伺机而动。Just another box on the roadside.Hundreds more like it.Move it along, capitalism.

不要公开发表您的电话号码,有一个为受害者伺机赌侠。Do not openly publish your phone number as there is a conman on a prowl for victim.

他向老板告发了我,于是我就伺机向他报复,故意把他的午饭打翻在地。He reported me to the boss but I fixed his wagon. I knocked his lunch on the floor.