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这是一个艳阳天。It was a sunny day.

多么酷热的艳阳天啊!What a hot, sunny day!

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因为这是个艳阳天。For it is a pleasant day.

所以,我们在这里能有这么好的艳阳天是很幸福的,so we're happy that it's sunny here

你知道,今天是个艳阳天。It's a beautiful sunny day, you know.

一个艳阳天,我站在宽大的阳台上。It was a sunny day. I stood on a spacious balcony.

如果没有云遮日,有谁喜爱艳阳天。If there were no clouds, we should not enjoy the sun.

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但是我觉得我们马上要迎来一周的艳阳天了,But you know, I think we're coming for another week of sun,

过完了很长一段时间阴冷的雨天,今天终于迎来了一个温暖的艳阳天!It is a warm sunny day after a long period of rainy and cold.

接下来几周恬静宁馨的日子犹如暴风雨过后的艳阳天。Like sunshine after storm were the peaceful weeks which followed.

记忆虽已沉淀,难忘记,那些艳阳天。Though memories have settled, unforgettable are those sunny days.

我也曾是热爱湖塘的小男孩,拥有无数艳阳天和夏日。I too was a boy in love with a pond, rich in sunny hours and summer days.

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不管晴天,雨天还是阴天、愿你的生活中永远都是一片艳阳天!Whether sunny day, rainy or cloudy days, like your life is always a sunny day!

三个退休人员,都带有听力障碍,在三月艳阳天一起散步。Three retirees, each with a hearing loss, were taking a walk one fine March day.

暴雨过后一小时,人们很难察觉这美丽的艳阳天曾经流过泪。An hour after a storm, it can hardly be seen that the beautiful blonde day has wept.

我也曾经是酷爱湖塘的小男孩,占有无数个艳阳天与夏日。I too was a boy in adulation with a pond, affluent in brilliant hours and summer days.

就算上帝天天浇水,我还是会撑伞翘首以待艳阳天!Even though the God waters everyday, I will still look forward to the bright sun taking an umbrella !

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只要心向阳光,不管风天,雨天,还是雪天,我们的心中就总会是一片艳阳天。Long yearned for the sun, regardless of wind day, rain or snow, our hearts will always be a sunny day.

梭罗喜欢回忆这样的艳阳天和夏日,“慵懒是最迷人也是最具生产力的事情!”Thoreau loved to recall such sunny hours and summer days "when idleness was the most attractive and productive business."

那是个艳阳天,超过4万名股东从世界各地前往奥马哈,参加一年一度的伍德斯客式的资本家聚会。It was a sunny day, and more than 40,000 shareholders from all over the world came to Omaha and joined the annual Woodstock of Capitalists.