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选择半导体激光管。To choose laser diode.

震惊了整个半导体业。Shocked the semiconductor industry.

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意法半导体TO-220封装的专用名称。ST proprietary name for TO-220 package.

半导体制造设备“,”Semi-Conductor Manufacturing Equipment.

垂直金属氧化物半导体?。VMOS? Vertical Metal Oxide Semiconductor?

你知道何时该使用一条半导体-熔断丝吗?。Do you know when to use a semiconductor-fuse?

半导体及微电子制造业。Semiconductor and micro-electronics industry.

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无锡东方半导体器材厂。Wuxi Drient Semi-Conductor Materials Factory.

半导体激光器和发光二极管Semiconductor lasers and light-emitting diodes

SOPC是未来半导体的发展趋势。SOPC is the trend of semiconductor development.

一个单原子半导体的电子显微图。Electron micrograph of a single-atom transistor.

适用于半导体、FPD和工业过程。For semiconductor, FPD and industrial processes.

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林铭贤先生拥有超过17年的半导体行业经验。Mr. Lin has 17 years of semiconductor experience.

利用霍耳效应成功地研制了WO3月半导体气敏传感器。The WO3 based gas sensor is based on hall effect.

灿瑞半导体期待与合作伙伴一起开创美好的明天!So, OCS will have a good future with our partners.

日本富士电机功率半导体器件中国代理。We are China Agency of Fuji electric semiconductor.

研制出单横模半导体激光器。The single-transverse mode laser diode was developed.

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其中半导体桥火工品可以用SCB来代替。Thus, these SCBI products can be replaced by the SCB.

半导体膜,半导体器件,和制造方法。Semiconductor film, semiconductor device and mfg. method.

氧化亚铜是一种所谓的半导体材料。Cuprous oxide is a type of material called a semiconductor.