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毋庸然正确,欢送教正、补充。Needless to literally correct, farewell to teach is to supplement.

说毋庸质疑,当今石油是供不应求的。Hanke says, without a doubt, current demand for oil exceeds supply.

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毋庸多说,客户对于我们这么快提供成果非常高兴。Needless to say, our client was also delighted by the speedy results.

毋庸质疑,知识产权作为一种合法垄断权,必须得到保护。Undoubtedly, IP rights must be protected as one kind of monopoly rights legally.

也毋庸说那些送来鲜花的女神,把维纳斯送到岸边的风神,和她那些侍女等都是虚构出来的。And there are the sort of goddesses or Aeolus of wind and handmaiden for Venus herself.

毋庸质疑,我将牢牢把握住2012年温布登圆梦的机会。"Definitely until the 2012 Olympics in London, which will be held at Wimbledon, " he added.

但毋庸质疑的是,如果罢工按计划进行,大英航空的长期名誉损失将不可估量。If the strike does go ahead, the long-term damage to the airline's reputation will be incalculable.

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毋庸赘述,轴心国的入侵将美国转化为一个军工业巨头。Needless to say, Axis aggression transformed the United States into a military-industrial colossus.

一项权利仅凭让与人和受让人之间的协议即可转让,而毋庸通知债务人。A right is assigned by simple agreement between the assignor and the assignee, after notice to the obligor.

普拉达是世界上最令人觊觎的品牌之一,并毋庸疑是知名身份的象征。Prada is considered to be among the most coveted brands in the world and is undoubtedly a celebrated status symbol.

毋庸多言,斑豹战士的面具下必然是在这生死交关的仪式里留下的无以计数的疤痕。Needless to say, the mask of a Jaguar Warrior often hides numerous scars earned during this perilous rite of passage.

知交,受你无意说我象带刺的花的触动,我草率仓促踏入一段盲目的恋情,后果毋庸质疑。Buddy, you didn't mean I like flowers with thorns touch, my hasty hasty step into a blind love, consequences of doubt.

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成功的软件过程必须将人们的长处最大化,将他们的缺点最小化,因为优点和缺点毋庸质疑都存在。Successful software processes must maximize people's strengths and minimize their weaknesses, as both unarguably exist.

而在我国,旅游的体验型产品尚未成型,更毋庸说成为真正的“体验型产业”了。But the tourism experience product hasn"t yet taken shape, needless to say the truly "industry of experience" in our country.

尽管相信目标对生活的必要性毋庸赘述,我在制订及实践目标方面却极不理想。I admitted that whilst believing goals are necessary for most of my adult life, I've been pretty poor at setting and using them.

魁北克政府总是没有新资金投资高等教育几乎人人皆知,这些大学毋庸质疑一直常年受困于资金匮乏。The Quebec government famously has no new money for universities, which we know are undeniably suffering from years of underfunding.

这位充满热血的为上赛季的成功起到毋庸质疑作用的优秀选手宁愿选择比赛多于训练。The Reds' undisputed player of last season thrives on the intensity of full-blooded match action and would much rather play than train.

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前项应完吨税船舶,毋庸另向税务机关完纳车船使用牌照税。It is not necessary for the said vessels paying tonnages to pay additional vehicle and vessel service licence fees to the tax authorities.

推销观念在那些毋庸自找的产品上使用得最卖力——购买者一般不会考虑购买诸如保险或者墓地这些产品。The selling concept is practiced most aggressively with unsought goods—goods that buyers normally do not think of buying, such as insurance and funeral plots.

弗格森爵士为奥贝坦没能进球而遗憾,但依然相信他能释放毋庸质疑的潜力潜力证明自己的价值。Sir Alex Ferguson felt for his latest debutant after his failure to score, but he remains confident that Obertan will go on to prove his worth and realise his undoubted potential.