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为了要求加薪,工会让其成员进行无记名投票表决。The union has balloted its members in pursuit of a pay claim.

本会相关提案及临时动议之表决,得以无记名投票或举手方式行之。Extemporary resolutions can be voted on by ballot or show of hands.

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中国已在地方实行无记名投票和差额选举。China is already having secret ballot and competitive elections at the local level.

美国前参议员乔治麦戈文严厉抨击他的民主党同事们,因为他们以卡片检查的方式抛弃了无记名投票权。Former U.S. Senator George McGovern chastised his fellow Democrats for abandoning it through card-check.

再想象一下假如大家的菜谱由家庭无记名投票决定,由于我有三个孩子和三条狗,那么大家就可能会正吃着圈圈饼和烂肉。Imagine deciding the dinner menu by family secret ballot. I\'ve got three kids and three dogs in my family.

按照联邦法律,无记名投票权成为组织工会的优先方法已有75年。Under federal law, the right to secret ballot has been the preferred method of union organizing for 75 years.

前项决议之表决方式以举手或点名为之,必要时得以无记名投票行之。The voting method of preceding paragraph is raising hand or calling, it can be voted in unnamed when in the need.

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在维多利亚洲和南澳大利亚洲责任政府授权下,第一次实行无记名投票方式。The secret ballot was first used in Victoria and South Australia following the granting of responsible government.

1789年2月4日,总统选举团的69名代表进行无记名投票推选乔治·华盛顿为唯一行政长官。On February 4, 1789, the 69 members of the Electoral College made George Washington the only chief executive to be unanimously elected.

事实上,最近的一次民意调查显示,虽然选民支持度一直在下降,他们大多数还是赞成采用无记名投票来做出决定。In the latest polling, a majority of voters do, in fact, favour putting the decision on a ballot, although their support has been declining.

有七个国家角逐安理会非常任理事国的五个席位,它们由联合国大会采用无记名投票的方式产生。The vote, which takes place by secret ballot in the U.N. General Assembly, saw seven countries officially competing for the five open seats.

斗茶过程中设观众投票,将每份参赛样品茶泡在大杯里,让观众现场品评,然后进行无记名投票。Tea set during the fight the audience vote, will each entry in the large sample tea cup, let the audience judge the scene and then a secret ballot.

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该决定称如未经无记名投票而建立工会,工人可以在45天内请愿以证明该工会不合法。That decision held that where a union was established without a secret-ballot election, workers could petition to decertify the union within 45 days.

去年秋天,四个州的选民成功地在本州的宪法中加上了工会组织过程中的无记名投票选举权,亚利桑那州是其中之一。Arizona is one of four states where voters last fall resoundingly added to their constitutions the right to secret-ballot elections in union organizing.

举委员会根据提名的名单,经一人一票无记名投票选出行政长官候任人。The Election Committee shall, on the basis of the list of nominees, elect the Chief Executive designate by secret ballot on a one-person-one-vote basis.

肯尼亚自2002年起不再在无记名投票中使用选民身份卡号,之前这一做法违背了选举秘密性的原则。Since 2002, Kenya no longer has individual voter card identification numbers on ballots, which in the past could be used to compromise the secrecy of the vote.

很难想象有哪一项利益比无记名投票更深植于美国民主之中,无论在国家层面还是地区层面都一样。It is difficult to imagine an interest more deeply rooted in American democracy, both at the national and local level, than the right to secret-ballot elections.

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当天,捷克足球协会执行委员会13名成员进行了无记名投票,其中有9人选举拉达为国家队主教练。On the same day, the Czech Football Association Executive Committee of the 13 members of the secret ballot, of which 9 Rada elections for the national team coach.

无记名投票可以防止选举作弊。记名投票可能会招致贿选的弊病,但有时候会带来其它好处。Secret ballot can prevent election fraud. But at some point the benefits of some type of verifiable ballot may outweigh the disadvantages of potential vote buying.

法院尤其认为,依照NLRA本身,无记名投票是确立工会代表权的“最令人满意的——实际上是优先的方法”。Specifically, the courts have recognized that under the NLRA itself, secret ballots are "the most satisfactory—indeed the preferred method" of establishing union representation.