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棘皮动物具有一种引人注意的器官。The echinodermata are furnished with remarkable organs.

这些小的,多刺的棘皮动物能够找到在全世界的海洋。These small, spiny echinoderms are found in oceans all over the world.

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举例来说,棘皮动物传送到海底的碳明显比有孔虫多。But echinoderms apparently deliver more carbon to the sediments than do forams, for example.

海星实际上是棘皮动物,和海胆和饼海胆是近亲。Popularlyknown as starfish, sea stars are actually echinoderms, closely relatedto sea urchins and sand dollars.

软件水产动物,甲壳类或棘皮动物之介壳和墨鱼骨,未经加工或经简单处理但未切成形者。Shells of molluscs, crustaceans or echinoderms and cuttle-bone, unworked or simply prepared but not cut to shape.

棘皮动物现在被认为是生物和地质模型,头等重要的基础研究。Echinoderms are now considered as a biological and geological model that underlies researches of primary importance.

以保存完整精美、数量巨大的海生爬行类和棘皮动物海百合为标志。Marine reptiles and echinoderm crinoid that feature intact and delicate preservation and large quantity serve as the mark.

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任一种海参似胡瓜状的棘皮动物,长有灵活的肢体,嘴周围生满触角。Any of various cucumber-shaped echinoderms of the class Holothuroidea, having a flexible body with tentacles surrounding the mouth.

海参隶属于棘皮动物门海参纲,具有良好的营养价值,含有多种具有药理作用的活性成分,深受人们的喜爱,其社会需求量日益增长。Sea cucumber belonging to Echinodermata is a tonic and enjoyed by more and more people because of its nutrition and active substance.

结果表明,本次调查所获得的底栖动物共14种,其中软体动物7种、甲壳动物3种、多毛类3种、棘皮动物1种。The results have shown that there are 14 species of macrobemthos, 7 species of mollusk, 3 species of crustacean, 1 species of echinoderm.

对海盘车腕再生过程的研究,对于早日揭示棘皮动物等后口动物的再生机理具有重要意义。Studies on the regeneration process of amputated starfish arms are of great importance in the validation of the mechanisms of metazoan regeneration.

棘皮动物在捕捉细菌、排出细胞物质、裂解颗粒细胞等过程中能够激活细胞的包囊反应。The process that phagocytized bacteria, discharged cellular materials and disintergrating granular cells can provoke the cellular encapsulation reaction of echinoderms.

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狼鱼,尽管它外貌可怕,但不吃其他鱼类,只吃软体动物,甲壳动物和棘皮动物。The wolf fish, which, despite its fearsome appearance, does not eat other fish, only molluscs, crustaceans and echinoderms. This photo was a runner-up by Jim Greenfield.

海生的菊石、双壳类、箭石仍为重要成员,六射珊瑚从三叠纪到侏罗纪的变化很小。棘皮动物的海胆自侏罗纪开始占据了重要地位。Haisheng of bivalves , an important member of the from the Triassic to Jurassic little change. sea urchins from the beginning of the Jurassic occupy an important position.

然而,不同种类的棘皮动物会以不同的方式应对海洋酸化,气温上升可能和二氧化碳增加同等重要。However, different echinoderm species respond to ocean acidification in different ways, and the effects of rising temperatures can be as significant as those of rising carbon dioxide.

该会议由国际棘皮动物的研究作出了各个领域的贡献程度是由介绍所证明,在国际会议的范围。The extent of the contributions made by the International Echinoderm Conferences to various fields of research is attested by the scope covered by presentation at the international conferences.