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图书馆的现状如何?And how about the library?

尼日利亚的电力供应现状很是滑稽。The situation is grotesque.

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现状的改变将是缓慢的。That will be slow to change.

但是现状可能很快会改变。But that may soon be changing.

照现状看尤文是一支强队。Juve is a strong team as it is.

我们需要怎样做才能改变现状?What do we need to do to change?

这就是社会现状吗?Is this the state of our society?

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现在,我需要做点事情来改变现状了。Now, I needed to do something about it.

牛蒡的研究现状。Progress of Reseach on Arctium lappa L.

福尔摩沙本岛的历史与现状。The island of Formosa past and present.

他们想改善现状,They're trying to improve the situation

他对现状不满。He was dissatisfied with the status quo.

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咱要君主政治,咱对现状很满意,有工作,有房子,还有免费医疗。I have a house. I have free health care.

仙台市的现状,就是整个日本的缩影。Sendai is a microcosm of what ails Japan.

如果你问我怎么看,我要说他是低估了现状。If you ask me, he was understating the case.

这反映了当代中国的社会现状。It's a reflection of life nowadays in China.

综述了台湾海军、空军的武器装备现状。Missile status of Air and Navy are reviewed.

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他们的创业现状如何?What are their entrepreneurial statuses now?

目前小区园林景观的现状I The current status of residential landscape

第三章是对行政问责制度的现状分析。The third chapter is the status quo analysis.