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我可不想半道儿就没油了。I don't want to run out of gas.

他在去商店的半道儿迷路了。He lost his way halfway to the shop.

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半道儿上汽车竟然抛锚了,我们急坏了。The car broke down halfway, we were very anxious.

什么,你以为我傻啊?等我爬到半道你就会关电源的。You'll turn off the flashlight when I'm half way there.

刚要开口答应,却被秋子初给半道截了去。Just wanted open jaws promise, but drive autumn son the beginning mow for half path.

先生几次到学堂尚未天亮,一日行至半道返回,欲睡回龙觉。President several times to school not yet dawn, day halfway line to return back to the dragon feel sleepy.

我不想破坏你准备的惊喜,但你最好告诉我们要去的地方有多远。我可不想半道儿就没油了。I don't want to ruin your surprise, but you'd better tell me how far we're going. I don't want to run out of gas.

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现在我可不那么自以为是了,因为我的崇高理想在半道被现实砸了个粉碎,所以崇高理想的最终结局大多如此。Now I'm not so sure.Somewhere along the way my noble ideals crashed into reality,as all noble ideals eventually do.

赫尔城被一心进攻的主队修理得够呛,他们应该很高兴威尔贝克下半场半道就被换下。Hull were being overrun by their insatiable hosts, and they would have been delighted to see Welbeck withdrawn midway through the second period.

荣生再也受不了胖妞了,正好半道遇到了大宝,这才解脱出来,大宝还想借着星座来跟胖妞搭讪,胖妞头也不回的离开了。RongSheng cant stand PanNiu, got just met a big treasure, this just relieved, dabao also want to borrow the constellation with PanNiu chat up, PanNiu head also dont back to the left.