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这是因为日本奉行所谓“雁行发展模式”的结果。This is the result of the "swan ranks development model".

它们走向北西,雁行斜列,左行走滑。They are all northwest strikes, echelons and left-lateral strike-slips.

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类型上,断裂主要有正断层、逆断层和雁行断层等形式。On type, the fractures appear normal fault, strike-slip fault and so on.

另外,本文还从旧雁行模式入手,创造性提出后雁行时代的新雁阵模式以及中国所处的位置。Then created a new wild goose mode in Asia and relocate the position of the China.

跨国家的产业化程序已经变得比“雁行”模式复杂得多。The process of industrialisation across economies has become much more complex than the “flying geese” progression.

本文介绍由母断裂扩散而成的雁行式断裂的断裂力学机制。The paper introduces the fracture mechanism of the dilatant fractures which were broken down from a parent fracture.

并且在移民形态上,有部分人口已经完成了由“雁行”到定居。And on the migration patterns, there were parts of the population has been completed by the " seasonal workman " to the settle.

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雁行式构造是中国东部特有的构造体系,与侏罗纪聚煤盆地成生关系密切。The echelon structure is the special structure system of East China, its relation is close on Turassic period, gathering coal basin.

初步应用该准则对雁行裂纹的形成过程进行了数值模拟。At the end, a preliminary numerical simulation on the formation of a wild goose crack was completed by use of the criterion established.

是正视亚洲现实的时候了几十年来,东亚一批国家以“雁行”方式展翅冲天。Be when facing up to Asian reality come a few years, east Asia a batch of countries with " wild goose goes " means is volant and towering.

只变化裂纹内端点距离,得到雁行裂纹不同分布对试样强度的影响以及破坏模式临界值。The influence of different distributing forms on the sample strength and crack propagation pattern were studied only changing the distance between internal nodes in the cracks.

东亚的“雁行”国际分工与组织模式自上世纪90年代以来逐渐衰落,其带动东亚贸易发展的作用下降。The "flying geese" paradigm of international division of labor and organization in East Asia has gradually declined since 1990s, with a falling role in leading trade development.

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只懂得流水线操作的低技能劳动力,他们的净有效供应对世界的冲击已经受到了“雁行模式”人口规模的影响。The evolution of the global impact of the net effective supply of low-skilled labour capable of producing manufactures has been affected by the demographic size of the "flying geese".

龙井运动具压扭特点,西湖凹陷压扭构造特征表现为二级构造带错开排列、背斜构造雁行排列和断层共轭排列。Longjing Movement is transpressional, and the transpressional structures in Xihu sag are characterized by staggered second-order structure belts, en echelon anticlines and conjugate faults.

雁行模式成为系统解释国家间贸易、投资和技术联系的经济模式,将“四小龙”以及东盟和中国的经济增长很大程度上归功于日本。It emphasizes the driving role that Japan plays in the development of economy and technology of East Asian and attributes the economic development of ASEAN and China to a certain degree to Japan.

上世纪80年代,日元的国际化曾出现迅速发展的局面,甚至出现了美元、德国马克和日元“雁行模式”的国际货币格局。At 1980s, the internationalization of the Japanese Yen used to show rapid development momentum. The dollar, deutsche mark and yen made up the"flying-geese"pattern of international monetary situation.