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指出了今后PUR泡沫塑料的发展方向。At last, the tendency of PUR foam was indicated.

箱子里垫有泡沫塑料免得货物受压。The canned goods are to be packed in cartons with bifold bands.

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电脑包装箱里有好多用于防震隔潮的泡沫塑料。There is a lot of anti-shock waterproof foam in a computer packing box.

尽管如此,城市委员会禁止在任何市办公共设施使用聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料。However, the City Council had ban Styrofoam at all city owned facilities.

对微孔泡沫塑料的未来发展进行了展望。Finally, the future development prospects of microcellular foams were forecasted.

将泡沫塑料塞入包中作为其隔层一边的衬垫,如此之快就完成了!Insert the foam so that it cushion's the side of the bag's compartments, and presto !

泡沫塑料和天然纤维制成的床体能够提供强大的支撑力和消除压力。Made of airo-foam and natural fiber, it provides great support and eliminates pressure.

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记忆泡沫塑料是一种结构疏松的泡沫塑料,即使将它完全压缩,它也能够回复到原来的形状。Memory foam is an open cell foam that compresses fully and reverts to its original form.

概述了微型汽车顶内饰用硬质聚氨酯泡沫塑料的状况。The progress of the polyurethane rigid foam used in roof trimming of minicar is reviewed.

通过碳酸氢铵发泡法发泡制得开孔改性脲醛树脂泡沫塑料。Gain Modified urea formaldehyde resin foam plastics by the carbonic acid hydrogen ammonia.

介绍了硬质聚氨酯泡沫塑料全水发泡工艺的基本原理。Introduced the rigid polyurethane foam plastics entire water foaming craft basic principle.

用很多片状泡沫塑料盖住气球,留出两个洞用来放相机的镜头。The balloon was covered by pieces of foam plastic with two holes for lenses of two cameras.

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这些结果可以作为建立PUR泡沫塑料力学模型的基础。These results can be used as the basis of setting up mechanical model of PUR foam plastics.

箱子里垫有泡沫塑料免得货物受压。Each case is lined with cream artificials in adjustment to assure the goods adjoin columnist.

使用1,1,1,2-四氟乙烷和醇作为发泡剂的挤塑乙烯基芳族泡沫塑料。Extruded vinyl aromatic foam with 1, 1, 1, 2- tetrafluoroethane and alcohol as blowing agent.

主要组成部分的系统是一个连接装置由聚氯乙烯和聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料。The primary components of the system are a connection device made from PVC and polystyrene foam.

这些聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料还有包装盒每天都产生上千吨的垃圾,然后被投放到当地的垃圾场。Styrofoam and boxes, thousands of tons of garbage is generated daily and added to landfills here.

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一次性泡沫塑料餐盒是白色污染的主要原因之一。Disposable expanded polystyrene fast food container is one of the main causes of "white pollution".

PP发泡材料更是以其独特的性能成为泡沫塑料行业中的热点。PP foamed material has become the hot spot in the plastic industry because of is unique properties.

主要应用于生产硬质聚氨酯泡沫塑料,是一种优良的新型产品。It is a good-quality and new-type product used for manufacturing rigid polyurethane cellula plastic.