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这只母鸡灰色带白斑点。This hen is gray with white speckles.

“我认为有一个白斑上的,”约翰逊说。I think there's a walleye on that one, " said Johnson."

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白斑上的毛发可变白,也可不变。White spot on the hair may be white, but also the same.

他整理了头发,脸膛通红,还有几块白斑。His hair was combed and his face was red with white patches.

豺对于白斑鹿同样更多捕食成年雄性。Dholes also preyed more upon adult male than adult female chital.

疯了的爵士music演奏者惊愕地盯着剃刀上的白斑。The crazy jazzman gazed at the blaze on the razor dawn amazement.

疯狂爵士音乐演奏者惊愕地盯着剃刀上白斑。The crazy jazzman gazed at the blaze on the razor with amazement.

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厉害的爵士音乐演奏者惊愕地盯着剃刀上的白斑。The crazy jazzman gazed at the blaze on the razor with amazement.

疯狂的爵士音乐演奏者惊愕地盯着剃刀上的白斑。The crazy jazzman gazed at the blaze on the razor with amazement.

因此,对毛状白斑的出现应予以高度重视。Therefore, the emergence of hairy leukoplakia should be high priority.

一开始,它并没有什么奇怪之处,不过是块白斑而已。At first, there was nothing strange about it. It was just a white mark.

吸烟能引起口腔粘膜白斑,甚至癌变。SuckSmokeCan cause blaze of oral cavity mucous membrane, even canceration.

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那只黑色小猫长着白色前爪,胸口上有一块白斑。The kitten was black with white front paws and a white splotch on her chest.

日斑一般会在水体表面留下明亮的白斑。Sunglint typically lends a bright, or washed out appearance to the water surface.

拉克什米感觉这是捕猎的好时机。因为这是白斑鹿的交配季节。Larkshimi finds it is good time to prey, because it is the mating season of chitals.

它们有很大的眼睛和独特的蓝色带白斑的鳞片。The Coelacanth has very large eyes and distinct silver blue scales with white markings.

病例二表现两眼角膜中心或旁中心全层白斑及后锥形角膜。The second case presents bilateral central corneal opacities with posterior keratoconus.

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病例三的异常为角膜后基质白斑及先天前极白内障。The third case presents a key-formed posterior stromal opacity and anterior polar cataract.

有关对虾白斑症病毒病,已积累了丰富的的研究资料。Therefore, WSSV has been extensively studied, resulting in some exciting research progress.

白斑表皮移植前无黑素小体,移植有效后于表皮可见黑素颗粒。There have been seen melanin particles in epidermis after autografts by electronic microscope.