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天平两边的秤盘平衡吗?Do these scales balance?

天平座上,今天是你的生日。Go Libra its your birthday.

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小天平在这。I have my little scale here.

所有天平都死于性病。All Libras die of venereal disease.

在天平的中点是所谓的“中性点”。The middle is place of the neutral.

天平是用工具钢制成的。This balance is made of tool steel.

让我先在天平上称称。Let me weight it on the scales first.

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明年我不会再带天平来了。So next year don't pick up the scale.

他看到天平点了点头。He looked at Libras , who nodded once.

你要将我的灵魂放在天平座上!Tianpingzuo you should put on my soul !

一粒大米也可使天平倾斜。A single grain of rice can tip the scale.

如果有天平,秤盘不会动。If there are scales, the pans don't move.

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现在我再也不想用天平了。Now I won't bother with the scale anymore.

这里有天平来称肉吗?Are there balances here to weigh the flesh?

如今这种天平被称作“杆秤”。Today this is known as a ★ steelyard scale 13.

色度计、注射吸量管、电子天平。Colorimeter, Syringe Pipet, Electronic Balance.

杆秤是由天平逐步发展而来的。Steelyard was gradually developed from balance.

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天秤座的标志是一架平衡的天平。The symbol of Libra is the scales of a balance.

然后把坩埚放在天平上称一下。Then put the crucible on the balance and weigh it.

在你我之间,天平保持了相当的平衡。Between thee and me the scale hangs fairly balanced.