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他已经得到了赎身的钱了。He's got the ransom money.

奴隶主们有时允许奴隶为自己赎身。Masters sometimes allowed their slaves to buy their way out of bondage.

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即使是一个国王的赎身钱,也买不起我的女儿们所要的东西。A king's ransom would hardly have procured all that my daughters asked for.

即使是一个国王的赎身钱,也难以买到我的其他几个女儿所要的全部东西。King's ransom would hardly have procured all that my other daughters asked for.

即使是一个国王的赎身钱,也难以买到我的其他几个女儿所要的全部东西。A King's ransom would hardly have procured all that my other daughters asked for.

塞义夫并没有掩饰这笔赎身交易,他说道,释放迈格拉希是公开的,库萨在此事件中角色不明。Megrahi’s release was always on the table, he said. Kusa’s role in the release is unclear.

如剩下的年数尚多,他应依照年数的多少,出一部分赎价来赎身。If there be many years that remain until the jubilee, according to them shall he also repay the price.

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如果那人不能这样赎身,到了喜年,他可与儿女自由离去。And if by these means he cannot be redeemed, in the year of the jubilee he shall go out with his children.

铁铸想用赌博为阿莉吉亚赎身,却在赌场上输了个精光。Iron casting want to use gambling for o Sally giacomo displeases her, but at a casino loses stripped it bare.

Redeem一词的意思是赎回,专指为奴隶赎身的意思。The word ‘redeem’ means ‘to buy out’, and it was used specifically in reference to the purchase of a slave’s freedom.

振铭发现巧灵招呼其他客人,要替巧灵赎身,莫三娘索价八千両。Vibration inscription found spirit greeting guests, for spiritual freedom, mo SAN niang charged eight thousand struck.

他自己的父亲在他三岁时把他卖给了奴隶贩子,但当他长大后成为一个有名的戏子后,他让赎身自由了。His own father sold him to a slaver when he was three, but he grew up to be such a famous mummer that he bought his freedom.

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塞义夫并没有掩饰这笔赎身交易,他说道,释放迈格拉希是公开的,库萨在此事件中角色不明。Saif didn’t bother to disguise the ransom deal. Megrahi’s release was always on the table, he said. Kusa’s role in the release is unclear.

不属同一农奴主的男女农奴结婚要缴纳“赎身费”,农奴的子女注定终身为农奴。Male or female serfs belonging to different owners had to pay a "redemption fee" if they wished to marry, and their children were doomed to be serfs for life.

振锋扬言开钱庄的父亲银両多的是,乐得替父亲多花些钱,答应贵祥替其妹赎身。Silver vibration feng threatened to open a banks father struck, happy to spend more money for his father, promised to be redeemed to your auspicious for his sister.