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甘翁膝下二子。Old man Gan had two sons.

他的大衣刚及膝下。His overcoat reaches just below his knees.

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她滑雪下山时曲膝下蹲。She bent at the knee when she skied downhill.

据报导,溥任膝下有三子二女。He reportedly had three sons and two daughters.

这是在母亲膝下就已形成的思维模式。It is a pat ern of thinking learned at our mothers! knees.

时如梭,儿孙齐膝下,共享天伦乐。When the flies, their knee, the sharing of family happiness.

很久很久以前,有一位年老的国王,膝下无子。Long ago, an aging childless king gathered his court together.

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现在淤泥已到膝下,而水则到了腰际。The mire now reached to his knees, and the water to his waist.

如今的苏亚雷斯膝下已有6个儿女、40个孙辈和曾孙辈。Soares has 6 children and 40 grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

但是你同时又不想还没盼到好的生活条件,就去世了,膝下无儿无女。But you also don't want to die childless while waiting for the right conditions.

他和妻子雷吉娜居住在马萨诸塞州,膝下已有五个孩子。He resides in Massachusetts with his wife, Regina, and is the father of five children.

向后撤步至单膝下跪姿态时,膝部应和地面轻轻接触。Softly touch your knee to the floor when stepping back into the half-kneeling position.

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由于查尔斯王子膝下无女,唯有威廉和哈里两个儿子,所以这一代的王位继承不会牵扯到性别问题。Charles had only sons, William and Prince Harry, so the issue of gender was never raised.

两位病患在半年后因疼痛而接受膝下截肢。Two patients underwent a secondary below-knee amputation half a year later for the reason of intractable pain.

皈依了佛法僧三宝,就是菩萨膝下的儿女,菩萨时时都在呵护着我时时都在我的身边。Converted to the Buddhist Sangha, child of Bodhisattva, Bodhisattva always in the care of me always by my side.

以膝下外动脉为蒂的腓骨头骨骺移植,血供丰富。The blood supply of proximal fibular epiphysis pedicled only with lateral inferior genicular artery was enough.

老人很想能有个孩子,但是他和年轻的妻子膝下无儿无女,于是就叫了自己的侄子来一起住。The old man longed for children. But he and his young wife had none, so he invited his nephew to live with them.

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他拒绝透露这次“真求婚”有否按传统单膝下跪,坚持保密。" He refused to disclose the "true marriage proposal" has the traditional down on one knee, adhere to confidentiality.

膝下腔内治疗已被认为是膝下闭塞性病变的首选治疗方法。Below-knee endovascular treatment has been considered to be of the preferred treatment for below-knee occlusive disease.

结果他发现有人在控制天气,几乎要让英国和全世界臣服于他的膝下。The results he found someone in the control the weather, almost in Britain and around the world to surrender to his knees.