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她的母亲也是个忠诚的干部。Her mother was another loyal cadre.

使选拔干部的原则更加具体。This makes the criteria more concrete.

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岳阳市中医院现在干部职工976人。Now the hospital has 976 staff members.

干部必须和群众打成一片。A cadre must become one with the masses.

这个工厂有八名妇女干部。There is eight women cadre in the factory.

他是一家保险公司的高级干部。He is an executive in an insurance company.

这个工厂有八名妇女干部。There are eight cadre women in this factory.

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这个工厂有八名妇女干部。There are eight women cadres in the factory.

并且儰莪校佺校优琇班级干部领导。And for the excellent class cadre leadership.

他们办短期培训班培养技术干部。They train technical cadres in short courses.

他们办短训班培养技术干部。They train technical cardres in short course.

获得优秀学生干部称号。Was the title of outstanding student leaders.

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这位青年干部非常称职。He is quite modest though he be a leading cadre.

这名干部是从基层提拔上来的。This official was promoted from the grass roots.

干部是党的事业的骨干。Carders are the core members of the Party's Cause.

要尽快提高我国农村干部的整体素质。Improve the whole quality of the staff in village.

我们选退休的那位干部来当俱乐部的主任。We make the retired official our head of the club.

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民主选举,有利于督促干部保持清正廉洁。Democratic election urges officials to keep honest.

帮助群众是干部应分的事。It's part of the duty as cadres to help the masses.

负责离退休干部的管理工作。Be responsible for the management of retired cadres.