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这个数字在生命后期会减半。This number can halve later in life.

希腊可能要减半其债务负担。Greece may have to halve its debt burden.

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友谊使快乐成双,痛苦减半。Friengships multiply joys and divide griefs.

真减半的鸟嘴如流星般挤进来。The meteor that thrusts in with needle bill.

不管他现在看什么,让他把时间减半。Whatever he watches now, cut that time in half.

他们把人员减半以减少支出。They retrenched by eliminating half the workers.

第一件事是将其减半。The first thing I have to do is bust that in half.

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我就将这个问题的规模减半了,我不仅仅是缩小了问题的规模。But in one step, I've reduced this problem in half.

孤独使忧伤加倍,使欢乐减半。Solitary redoubles griefs, and cuts joys in halves.

友情倍增我们的喜悦,减半我们的悲伤。Friendship redoubles joys, and cuts grieves in halves.

你发现,薪水减半降低了你的工作热情。You found that halving your salary cut your enthusiasm.

把你原本的每顿饭量减半,每天最后一餐不要迟于下午7点钟。Your last meal of the day should be no later than 7 PM.

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当我开始在室外跑步时,健身房的功效就减半了。When I started running outside I halved the usefulness of the gym.

当卷的使用空间变满后每一次重启缓冲区的大小都将会减半。Each time the rest of the disk becomes full, the buffer size is halved.

当幼胚被培养在减半的N6培养基上时,发芽率普遍降低。The germination rates reduced when half strength N6 culture medium was used.

尽管如此,八国集团于2008年承诺了到2050年实现碳排放减半。Nonetheless, in 2008, the G-8 did commit to halving carbon emissions by 2050.

发展中国家断然拒绝了2050年全球温室气体排放量减半的目标。The developing nations flatly refused to commit to the 50 percent goal by 2050.

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罢工还迫使法国的高速铁路把车次减半。It also forced France's express train operator to cut about half of its services.

我把它的规模减半了,这太棒了,好,但是我不会直接处理b是偶数这种情况的。I didn't just make it one smaller, I made it a half smaller. That's a nice deal.OK.

总计这些影响能够在2050年之前将应对气候变化的花费减半。Together these impacts would halve the costs of dealing with climate change by 2050.