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我已收到了诏书,我不敢违抗。I have received a summons, and I dare not disobey it.

诏书是以皇帝名义发布指令的专用文书。An imperial edict is a writ in the name of an emperor.

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如同丧家之犬的溥仪也随之神情沮丧地宣读了退位主诏书。Puyi, who is just like an outcast, read out the abdicate rescript.

皇上亲下诏书,每个家庭要选出一名壮丁,加入军队!By order of the Emperor, one man from every family must serve in the Imperial Army.

那天的段思英宣读完退位诏书之后,就早早的退朝了。At that day, he read out the imperial abdication edict and ended the morning court early.

但这样的荒唐论调被一道诏书给废止了,颁布这道诏书的正是一言九鼎的西奥多·罗斯福。That nonsense was ended by an edict from no less a wielder of strong opinion than Teddy Roosevelt.

你看那儿。那就是皇帝为了表彰孙坤以及他的家人下的诏书。Look over there. That is an imperial edict issued by the emperor to commend Sun Kun and his family.

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进入皇宫的部队,通宵寻找天皇“终战诏书”的录音唱片。Troops into the palace the night looking for the Emperor "edict end of the war, " the record album.

招安时,李逵不愿受招安,大闹东京城,扯了皇帝诏书,要杀钦差。Amnesty, the Li Kui do not want to be pacified, row Tokyo City, pulled edict the emperor, kill imperial.

并且,在上帝神诏书意的守护下,它将继承照耀着当前的世代。And with "the protection of Divine Providence" it will continue to shine brightly for generations to come.

默罕默德作为部长,也下了诏书,其包括禁止妇女化妆或是穿高跟鞋。As a minister, Qalamuddin also issued his own edicts, including a ban on women wearing makeup or high heels.

例如,1685年废除南特诏书之后到北美来寻求政治避难的法国胡格诺派新教徒很快就被同化了。The French Huguenots who sought refuge in America after the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes in 1685 were, for example, soon absorbed.

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1432年法国的官员在布日召开会议,在他们的抱怨之下,国王在1438年出版了布日国事诏书。The clergy of France met at Bourges in 1432, and with their consent the Pragmatic Sanction of Bourges was published by the king in 1438.

1901年,清政府迫于形势颁布兴学诏书,提出兴学育才为急需之务。In 1901, the Qing Government was forced by the situation promulgated the Decree of establish schools to meet the need of nurturing talents.

由于社会文化环境的变化,中国古代的诏书从语式到体制皆有一个演变的轨迹。With the change in social and cultural environment, ancient Chinese imperial edict has undergone an evolution in terms of language and style.

儒学化诏书形成于汉武帝时期,并成为古代社会通行的诏书形制。The confucianized imperial edicts came into being in the period of Emperor Wu and became the model imperial edict style in the ancient society.

两汉是诏书的初步形成和发展时期,两汉的政治也颇具代表性。Han Dynasty is the period when the imperial edict formed and developed initially. And the politics of this period is also of representativeness.

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王派了军长和马兵护送我。我到了河西的省长那里,将王的诏书交给他们。Then I came to the governors beyond the river, and gave them the king's letters. Now the king had sent captains of the army and horsemen with me.

秦泰山刻石镌刻着秦始皇功德铭和二世诏书,由丞相李斯篆书,为国家一级文物,堪称稀世珍宝。Taishan stone engraved with the Emperor Qin Ming merit and II edict by the prime minister Li Si Seal for the state-level cultural relics, called treasures.

西汉中期,儒学的政治地位和社会地位大大提高,这也反映在诏书内。The political and social status of the Confucianism has been greatly improved in the Middle Western Han Dynasty, which also was manifested in the imperial edicts.