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什么是同义现象?What is synonymy?

我常有夜间盗汗现象。I get night sweats.

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你呼吸有气短现象吗?Are you short of breath?

玉米糊会有怎样的现象发生?What happens to the mud?

这只是暂时的现象吗?And is it only temporary?

然而,表面现象是具有迷惑性的。But looks can be deceiving.

乍一看,这是很奇怪的现象。At first sight, that is odd.

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它是一种个人现象。It is a personal phenomenon.

卢卡库是一个真正的现象级球员。Lukaku is a true phenomenon.

科学以现象为根据。Science rests on phenomena.

你有心悸现象吗?Do you have any palpitations?

这是游行其有罪不罚的现象。It was parading its impunity.

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我们不能容忍这种浪费现象。We cannot tolerate such waste.

你也看不到上面有任何的长毛现象。You don\'t see any fuzz on it.

这种忘怀是属于自然现象。It is the ingratitude of nature.

这些现象就是我们说的天乐。Those phenomena are Heavenly Joy.

组错磁体的临界现象?。Do frustrated magnets go critical?

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印度尼西亚的伐林现象也已减少。Indonesia's rate has also dropped.

多义词是语言中的普遍现象。Polysemy is prevalent in language.

然而,这可能导致异常现象。This can cause anomalies, however.