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到那时再相劝或祈祷依然迟矣。It will be late to counsel then pray.

那时所有的相劝与祈祷都晚矣。You understand it will be late to counsel them or pray.

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很多亲朋好友都苦苦相劝,但小刘谢绝了。Many friends and family are struggling to persuade, but Liu declined.

其实早在临行之前,就有亲戚相劝叫他不要去了,两个孩子都病得不轻。A relative had warned him not to go, saying his children were too sick.

然而,遗憾的是,年轻人都太忙了,无暇留意良言相劝,这颇似多年以前的我。But unfortunately, young people are too busy to heed good advice. Much like I was so many years ago.

全家都被白凤吵醒,大家都出来相劝,见儿女们都出来了,白凤转身哭着进了房间。Family were baifeng wake, everybody is out, see counsel children all came out, baifeng turned and crying into the room.

总要趁著还有今日,天天彼此相劝,免得你们中间有人被罪迷惑,心里就刚硬了。But exhort one another every day, as long as it is called "today, " that none of you may be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin.

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你要学会宽宏大度,能容忍别人的过失,同时要直言相劝,热情帮助对方。You should learn to tolerate munificent magnanimous, the faults of others, and to help each other to counsel, enthusiastic truth.

伍德豪斯先生有些怪癖,经常坐立不安,有时惹得他或是以理相劝,或是厉声反驳两句。Mr. Woodhouse's peculiarities and fidgetiness were sometimes provoking him to a rational remonstrance or sharp retort equally ill-bestowed.

“他对你一点都不好!只会一味的索取,却吝于给予!你配他实在是糟蹋了!”她的交心好友,心疼她的美好,也频频相劝。" He is not a good for you! Will only ask for, but failed to give! You with he was murdered! " Her best friend, love her better, but also frequently.

即便只换来两包炸药,林午阳却并不死心,彪子一心相劝不可涉险,林午阳还是决定与解放军同归于尽。Even if only two packages of explosives, Lin Wu Yang didnt lose heart, puma son not to venture, with Lin Wu Yang decided to end up with the peoples liberation army.

铁彪知绣云立意一生追随邵扬,难过,万念俱灰,二毛追出相劝,但铁彪心已碎,二毛没法。Iron young tiger know embroider cloud purposive life ShaoYang follow, sad, in desperation, two hairs counsel out of a recovery, but iron young tiger has broken heart, two hairs cant.

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有时候,我们可能看见朋友正踏上一条错误的道路,可是,却为免破坏友谊而不愿意出言相劝。Sometimes we ourselves can see that the road one of our friends is taking is entirely the wrong road for that person but we are reluctant to say anything in case it would spoil our friendship.

丹丝兰和亚多模耐烦相劝亚修拉,要他对妈妈忍受并且为妈妈庆贺华诞买华诞蛋糕,亚修拉听了两人相劝,只好同意下班后再去试试。DanSi LAN and the mold counsel and the seurat, to his mother and to endure for mother celebrate birthday cake, and buy birthday to two people seurat counsel and had to agree to try again after work.