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联系如何发挥作用?How do linkages work?

让每一块钱都发挥上作用。Maximize every dollar.

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今天我们的球队发挥得极好。Our team sizzled today.

现在我希望你们能发挥想像力。Now I want you to use it.

发挥自定义L4D地图。Play the custom L4D maps.

你今天超常发挥了!You outdid yourself today!

你能发挥叮铃铃?Can you play jingle bells ?

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让我们发挥的傀儡。Let's play with the puppet.

他们可以有绝佳的发挥。They can all play superbly.

所谓成瘾,是你要发挥好几个小时!I tell you, it is addicting!

突然之间,每个人都可以自由发挥了。Suddenly, everyone could play.

发挥自己的长处。Take advantage of your fortes.

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要注意发挥你的品牌的声音。Be aware of your brand’s voice.

复利如何发挥时间威力。How does it compound over time?

我要找一份能发挥我创造才能的工作。I want a job where I can create.

小说在世界上能发挥什么作用?What can novels do in the world?

其中分布性会发挥十分关键性的作用。Distribution can play a key role.

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我需要一份能发挥我才能的工作。I need a job that will strech me.

充分发挥两者所长。In a way the best of both worlds.

而且有的演员还会即兴发挥。However, some actors can improvise.