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主情主义又有其先天的缺弊。Emotionalism also has its innate defect.

这是一场关于先天遗传与后天环境的无果辩论。This is a fruitless nature-nurture debate.

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这都是先天注定的亲缘。This is all the inborn to destine relative.

但是联觉者先天更有创造力么?But are synaesthetes naturally more creative?

化妆品并不能掩盖先天缺陷。Cosmetics do not cover up the deficiencies of nature.

他先天患有台-萨氏综合症,这是一种罕见的遗传性疾病。Ronan was born with Tay-Sachs a rare genetic disorder.

我想,他们底子没瞅见我的先天。You know Ijust think they didnt see the talent that Ihad.

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他们是一群自大鬼,先天就有呼吸问题。They're bunch of bigheaded, inbreds with breathing problems.

先天因素和后天因素加在一起会让人们避开自我放纵。So nature and nurture combine to make us avoid self-indulgence.

我们先天的智慧堪比内行人的知识。Now, our inherent wisdom doesn't have to be insiders' knowledge.

因此,我们中的每一个人都获得这种疾病的一些先天条件。So, in each of us there are some preconditions for this disease.

中医讲,肾乃先天之本,其华在发,肾为发之根。TCM, kidney is innate, its China in the root of hair, renal for.

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金岳霖先生认为只有关于逻辑的知识是先天的。Mr Jin Yuelin held that only the knowledge about logic is innate.

真派的‘先天气功’不过如此,乔老爷领教了。True parties of'inborn Chi Kung'only so-so, Joe's master accepted.

先天就是勤奋,一经有人这样说过。Ithas like Liebknecht said. genius is diligence. someone once said.

我们所研究的是属于先天遗传性尿崩症。Our research is focus on congenital nephrogenic diabetes insipidus.

或许我们先天的价值观也同样鼓励这些行为。Perhaps our innate values promote those kinds of behaviors as well.

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先天免疫和类铎受体可能与心脏病也有关。Innate immunity and the TLRs could also play a part in heart disease.

世上有两种天分,后天的天分和先天的天分。There are two kinds of talents, man-made talent and God-given talent.

唇腭裂畸形是人类最常见的先天发育性缺陷之一。Cleft lip and palate is one of the most common congenital malformation.