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制约和统辖人们交际行为的是关联。What governs and controls the human verbal communication is relevance.

在严酷的丛林法则的统辖下,生存是很不容易的。——沈石溪。In harsh under the rule of the law of the jungle, survival is not easy.

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人类因而也丧失了他们灵性的领导层和统辖。Humanity also lost their spiritual leadership and governance as a result.

生命呼吸、无条件统辖和自由是与火元素相关的。Breath of Life, Non-Conditional Governance and Freedom are related to the fire element.

统辖这三类具有共性的规范类型的工作,需要借用管制性规范的概念来达成。Here we need to use the concept of regulatory norms to govern these three universal norms.

身体没有其它的支撑,除了就是这个尖锐的边缘,这个边缘统辖它被切割成碎片。There is no other support for the body than the sharp edge that presides over its cutting up.

这后来被统辖你们造物的业力委员会认为是一个对真正律法的违背。This was subsequently considered a violation of true law by the karmic boards that govern your creation.

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虎眼石或发晶持有光之语中无条件统辖的振动。Tigers Eye or Rutilated Quartz holds the vibration of Non-Conditional Governance in the Language of Light.

我们不可能期望那些没有受过教育的农民去懂得如何来统辖整个社会。Uneducated peasants were mainly farmers and could hardly be expected to know how to keep a society together.

中欧一地区和旧时的公国,在奥地利南部。335年后该地区是哈布斯堡王朝的统辖区。A region and former duchy of central Europe in southern Austria. It was part of the Hapsburg domains after 335.

血汗工厂并不在奥林匹思山,而是在位于赫耳墨斯统辖下的集中营附近。The sweatshops were not near Mt. Olympus, but rather were near the concentration camps under the governance of Hermes.

在地方,废行省,设三司,互不统辖,由中央下派的督抚代表皇帝总领一方。In locality , the emperor deposed the provinces, but built the three local departments. They could not control each other.

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在时间因素的统辖之下,每一生物都因其果报活动的结果而享受福报,承担恶业。Within the jurisdiction of the time element, everyone enjoys or suffers the result of his own karma, or fruitive activities.

这样做,你将提升入在这个生命时代已被地球上所有物种的统辖中锚定的新星相。In so doing, one will ascend into the new astrology that has been anchored in governance of all species upon Earth in this lifetime.

由于至今尚没有统辖平行进口的国际公约,各国仅依其国内立法及贸易政策来处理版权商品的平行进口问题。Since there is not an international convention governing parallel import, each country relies only on its own laws and trade policies.

这类操纵目前正从大中枢太阳中清理出去,带来这里统辖灵魂的全面检查与转变。Such manipulations are now being cleansed from the Great Central Sun causing an overhaul and shift of those souls in governance herein.

如果自我过弱,不能控制和统辖伊特或超我,那么冲突就会发生,人会感到烦恼、焦虑。If ego is too weak, incontrollable with presidential Yi special or exceed me, so conflict can happen, the person can feel trouble, anxiety.

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树人有可能会选择成为部落的领导人,或者以其能力与天赋来支持那些选择来统辖群体的领导人。Tree People may choose to be leaders of the tribe or support the leaders that have chosen to govern the group with their gifts and talents.

国家公权力侵权行为,虽为一种特殊的侵权行为,但仍属侵权行为法总的归责原则之统辖范围。Though the tort act of state power is the tort of obvious characteristics, general imputation principles of the tort law can still be applied to.

这些人将是那些领导者的天生助手,来发展、励和监控基于统一的统辖新形式。Such humans will be natural assistants to those in leadership positions to develop, instigate and oversee new forms of governance that are unity based.