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虞舜是我国历史上著名的“五帝”之一。Yu Shun was the one of the Five Rulers in Chinese history.

本庙“五帝”是指五位瘟神。" Five emperors" of the temple refers to five gods of plague.

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在国资委的敦促下,纷纷合并,由此造就了“三皇五帝”。SASAC has urged them to merge, creating three "emperors" and five "kings".

从三皇五帝到明朝这一段时期汉民族所穿的服装,被称为汉服。From the three sovereigns to this period of the Ming dynasty han people wear clothing, referred to as hanfu.

巡狩是中国早期国家形成的重要标志,中国早期国家应囊括五帝时期。"Xun Shou" symbolized the formation of the Chinese Early State, which should include the Five Emperors Period.

舜,传说中的远古帝王,五帝之一,姓姚,名重华,号有虞氏,史称虞舜。Shun, , a legendary ancient emperor and one of the Five Emperors, had a surname of Yao and a last name of Chonghua.

巡狩作为部落联合体中最高首领对各部落的视察行为,在传说时代的五帝时期已经出现。"Xun Shou", regarded as the top leader' inspections in tribal unions, had emerged in the legendary Five Emperors Period.

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三皇五帝至于今,包括孔子、老子、庄子等诸子,我们还能在哪里找到他们的身影?And where can we find those great emperors such as Yao, Shun Yu and the influential philosophers like Confucius, Laozi and Zhuangzi?

三皇五帝时代的神农有以茶解毒的故事流传,黄帝则姓姬名荼,荼即古茶字。Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors Shen Nong Times have stories of tea detoxification, the Yellow Emperor is surnamed Ji were tea, tea that is Kocha words.

根据文献的记载,辽西区远在五帝时代就与中原地区有了直接的接触。According to the record of some documents, there is direct contact between the district of Liaoxi and the central plain area as far back as five-emperor times.

几千年来,我国流传着“三皇五帝”的传说,以喻古史的悠久。The wide-spread legend of "three sage 'kings' and five virtuous 'emperors'" over several thousand years in China mirrors the length of China's ancient history.

“自从盘古开天地,三皇五帝到如今”一个美丽的传说赋予了青县浓厚的传奇色彩和文化气息。"Since the dawn of heaven and earth, Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors to the present, " a beautiful legend gives the legend of Qingxian strong color and culture.

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为了全面探求中国玉文化的渊源,对古史传说中的“五帝时期”三大变革与相应考古玉器作了探讨。In order to trace the origin of Chinese jade culture, three revolutionary events in five emperors period in legend and its relevant prehistoric jade has been researched.

从民族学的角度及当时的历史背景分析,五帝之间并非直系血缘的父子、子孙关系,而是氏族、部落发展过程中的分裂与分化。From the perspective of ethnology and the historical background, the five emperors had no blood relationship but emerged from the development and division of the clans and tribes.

在访谈中,裘先生回顾了自己的学习和研究的历程,就“古史辨”派、上古史、出土文献研究及“二重证据法”、“五帝时代”等问题畅谈了自己的看法。Qiu looked back upon the course of his studies and research, and talked freely on the problems of the "Ku-shih-pien" School, early Chinese history, the studies of excavated documents, "the.

从巡狩可以看出,五帝时期已经形成了最高权力中心,出现了种种超越血缘纽带的因素,以及反映了中国早期国家的社会管理职能。"Xun Shou" indicated that the top right center had erect, several factors beyond blood relationship appeared, and reflected the social administrational functions of the Chinese Early State.