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锭蓝交易区。Dye trading zone.

这是一笔肮脏的交易。It's a dirty deal.

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任何人?谁想做这笔交易?Anyone? Any takers?

我不跟人做什么交易。I don't make deals.

我们要交易沙克。We're trading Shaq.

但是,那就是交易。But that’s the trade.

那是一个稳赚不赔的交易。That's a no-lose deal.

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空言不能成交易。Bare words, no bargain.

但是这项交易没有做成。But the deal was nixed.

我愿意和你做交易。I like to swap with you.

人生啊,就是一笔笔的交易。Life is all about trade.

此次交易采用全现金方式。This is an all-cash deal.

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厎我们何不做个交易?Why don't we make a deal?

碳排放交易有用吗?What about carbon trading?

非常肮脏的交易。Very dirty business indeed.

交易由管理员批准。Deals for approval by admin.

所以我和克丽丝做了个交易。So, I made a deal with Kris.

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抱歉,现金交易不赊欠。Sorry, cash only. No credit.

此类交易是有先例的。Such a deal has a precedent.

他们放弃了这笔交易。They backed out of the deal.