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鞑靼牛排是很清淡的食物,就像寿司一样。Steak tartare is really light it's like eating sushi.

尽管在这场战争中,鞑靼军队在历史上最后一次兵临莫斯科城下。During it Tatars for the last time in history reached Moscow.

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给鞑靼人造成伤亡的是之一是著名的鞑靼指挥官图哈依·拜阵亡。One of the casualties was the famous Tatar commander Tuhaj-bej.

16世纪期间,克里木鞑靼入侵露西亚总共91次。In total, during the 16th century Crimean Tatars invaded Russia 91 times.

有时也用鞑靼泛称中国北方各民族。Sometimes also used the Pan- Tatar said all ethnic groups in northern China.

瑞典—鞑靼的关系在大北方战争期间上升到一个新的台阶。The Swedish-Tatar relations rose to a new level during the Great Northern War.

我们从鞑靼来到了一个诅咒月亮的国度。We went from the country of the Tartars into the country of those who curse the Moon.

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阻卜与鞑靼之谜堪称一道世纪难题。The questions arising round Zubu and Tatar may be called a puzzle of the last century.

这是一个顶级的法国餐厅,也极大的牛排,羊奶酪沙拉和金枪鱼鞑靼。It's a top French restaurant and does great steaks, goat-cheese salad and tuna tartare.

在旧地图上,这地方叫做外满洲,或者更形象地说,东鞑靼。On old maps, the land is called Outer Manchuria or, even more evocatively, Eastern Tartary.

这个鞑靼女人看起来不高兴——可能因为这个看上去痛苦的发型的原因吧。The Tartar woman doesn't look very happy – perhaps due to what looks like a painful hairdo!

第三次瑞典—鞑靼联合入侵露西亚的企图给出了实际结果。It was the third attempt of a joint Swedish-Tatar invasion of Russia that gave practical results.

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1590年—1595年的战争是瑞典—鞑靼军事合作对抗露西亚的最高潮。The war of 1590-1595 was the high point of the Swedish-Tatar military cooperation against Russia.

这个时候,德国人就把俄罗斯的鞑靼牛排带回了德国。During this period the Russian steak tartare was brought back to Germany and called "tartare steak."

它经常用于和鞑靼奶油的混合,一种经常用于烹饪的粉末。It is often mix mixed with clean cream of chargetartar, a fine poter powder commonly used in cooking.

那天上午,数千名鞑靼骑兵出现了。总计超过60.000官军士兵和大约120.000哥萨克和鞑靼人很快就会面对对方。In total, over 60.000 Crown soldiers and about. 120.000 Cossacks and Tatars would soon face each other.

6世纪时莫斯科公国已经征服了伏尔加盆地,游牧鞑靼民族住的地方Muscovy had already conquered the Volga basin in the 16th century, where the nomadic Tatars were, T-A-T-A-R-S.

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佛教和鞑靼族的入侵中国,未能像基督教和蛮族统治在西方那样,打破这种麻木状态。Neither Buddhism nor Tartar invasion could break this torpor as did Christianity and barbarian rule in the West.

一艘名为“布加尔”号的客轮当天在俄罗斯鞑靼斯坦共和国境内伏尔加河沉没。A ship named ", " The increase of passenger ships in the West Bank of Russia in the Republic of Uzbekistan Volga sank.

联合的瑞典—鞑靼入侵露西亚的计划在1560年瑞典加入立窝尼亚战争期间死灰复燃。The project of a joint Swedish-Tatar invasion of Russia was revived during the Livonian War, which Sweden joined in 1560.