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函数检查。Function check.

所以这是max,val函数。So here's max val.

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一个标签处理函数类。A tag handler class.

我一共调用了25次函数。And it's taken me 25 calls.

或者作为体积的函数。Or as a function of volume.

内置的日期数学函数。Built-in Date Math Function.

这事是个概率函数。It's a probability function.

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它调用的是老的max,val函数。It's calling the old max val.

分析了频繁函数集的性质。Analyzing the property of FFS.

这个fib函数被调用了177次。Here fib got called 177 times.

在这个末端,printf函数?Toward the bottom here, printf?

见”编写可重入函数“。See Making a Function Reentrant.

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你怎么样来定义一个函数?So how do you define a function?

我想得到这个函数的最大值。I want to maximize that function.

那它还是个势函数。It is still a potential function.

我们的分子配分函数。Our molecular partition function.

必须注册这个函数。This function must be registered.

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我们之前看到过函数调用。We've seen function calls before.

态函数又是什么呢?What's the one function of state?

把函数输进计算器。You can put that into calculator.